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Hello people.

Steff A Roo
12 years ago
25 posts
I'm new to the site and dreads. I've wanted dreads since i were a kid, I'm 30 now and decided to take the plunge yesterday. My partner is disapproving and thinks that dreads look messy. So, he went on holiday yesterday and i got stuck in with the T&R method. He's gonna have a shock when he gets back! It took me 12 hours with a few breaks! So 42 non-wax dreads later and arm muscles like Arnie, i am now the proud owner of dreads!!! Im happy with how they've turned out, although they look more like braids right now. I live in hope that, left to their own devices, they'll turn into some beautiful dreads with much patience and a carefree attitude from oneself. So, as soon as i can stop my laptop from cutting out, I will upload before and after shots and keep this as my very own dreads timeline.Blessings :)
updated by @steff-a-roo: 03/02/18 03:56:33AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

awesome and congrats

cant wait to see em

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Steff A Roo
12 years ago
25 posts

Here are my before and after photos.

Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

You look great with them. He'll be surprised. They will loosen up when you wash them, and that's probably what he thinks will look messy, but if he sees you before you wash, just remind him that when they mature they'll look pretty much like that again. If not, just show him those pictures and let him know that they wont always be messy like they are for the first few months

12 years ago
539 posts

Looks good! Welcome aboard. :)

Steff A Roo
12 years ago
25 posts

Thank you all.

Been food shopping today and had some very funny looks. Saw a couple of people who didn't like what I've done to my hair but I don't care, it's my hair! Sent my partner a picture of me and he replied with "Ewwww" and then proceeded to ask if it is permanent. I told him yes, to which he replied "I just hope you realise it looks crap". Cheers then!

Oh well, he'll have to like it or lump it.

This site is fantastic and a great place to come when everyone is being tough on you about choosing dreads. My will power and love of dreads will win through!


☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

wow what a nice guy..

is he like that alot with other things?

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
12 years ago
597 posts

i'm sorry you have an unsupportive partner. it seems a lot of people do (maybe we need a group for that lol). If it makes you happy he should be able to come around & be fine with it. He'll see how much you love them, & how much joy & peace they bring you.

Seems like you have the right attitude to disapproval though, "whatever it's my hair & I love it so I don't care".

Steff A Roo said:

Thank you all.

Been food shopping today and had some very funny looks. Saw a couple of people who didn't like what I've done to my hair but I don't care, it's my hair! Sent my partner a picture of me and he replied with "Ewwww" and then proceeded to ask if it is permanent. I told him yes, to which he replied "I just hope you realise it looks crap". Cheers then!

Oh well, he'll have to like it or lump it.

This site is fantastic and a great place to come when everyone is being tough on you about choosing dreads. My will power and love of dreads will win through!


Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

That's a shame. Well, he'll have to get used to it. As they mature, they'll grow on him. If he cares about yourhappinessthen he'll suck it up and hide his dislike. You being happy is more important than his impression of you

Tara C
12 years ago
644 posts

Like everyone's said, if it makes you happy he'll accept it, since it's a decision that doesn't particularly affect anyone else, so there's no downside to it. Maybe it'll just take him a while cos it's a shock. Anyway, congrats on taking the plunge and starting your journey :) and welcome.

updated by @tara-c: 07/23/15 03:51:49PM
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