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Hey Everybody!

Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

me? I tnr'd a few and palm rolled 2 or 3. When they all came out in the first wash, I just let them do their own thing. maintaining them was too much of a hassle. Plus I was in the state of mind where I wanted them to look goofy so I could visibly give the middle finger to societies view on beauty. Now I just don't care. I'm not that guy with locks. I'm just that guy

updated by @baba-fats: 07/11/15 07:00:00AM
Cristin Nessen
12 years ago
158 posts
lolthat's awesome. I like your take on it. I wanted mine to be all perfect looking when I first did them, and was all anal about it. Now I'm just letting them do what they want. I'm anxious to watch the progress
Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

It's a lot of fun. Once in a while I do miss the baby process. But I do have a few new babies on top of my head. You can see them on my latest 2 videos.

It's always fun watching them form.

People call dreadlocks a journey, but I always felt that the word "journey" implied that there was an end. The fact is that there is no end. Your older locks will mature and that'll be that, but you are always going to be growing new hairs in the spaces between locks. Then you get the experience the fun of forming new locks all over again. It's a process that really never ends.

Eagles had his for 21 years and he still talks about new ones that pop up now and then when he's out in the woods or something

Cristin Nessen
12 years ago
158 posts
that is a good point. I didn't think about the fact that it really doesn't end. I am anxious for them to mature, but am excited that there will kinda always be something going on, too. So glad that I finally decided to dread :)
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,640 posts

journeys only end if you believe they hwave just 1 destination nut when yiu reach that destination theres always further you can go

the journey never ends

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Cristin Nessen
12 years ago
158 posts
one thing I was curious about though... My ends are wispy, which I like, but will I have to keep securing those knots, or will they reach a point where even though they're wispy they just stop unravelling?
Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

they'll most likely stay wispy. It's better for them. Glad you don't mind. And yes, thy will get to a point where they won't unravel anymore. Some of them might blunt on their own, but don't try to force it. It's better for the drying process for them to be whispy. Most of mine blunted and now it can take forever to dry if I don't blow dry

Cristin Nessen
12 years ago
158 posts
yeah I've heard about the drying benefits with wispy ends. Plus, on me, I think the wispy ends just look better
Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

same. I do miss them. But the hair wants to do what it wants to do. I still have a few left

Circle Dancer
12 years ago
121 posts

I did twist n rip for mine, at first they looked like fully formed locks and I was like yay! But then they began to come undone with every wash. I actually think I like them more now. You can't see those weird sections on the back of my head now, it just looks like normal hair with locks coming out. :) I'm just gonna neglect them for awhile i think.

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