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Dedciding to dread!

indigo moon
13 years ago
3 posts

I've struggled with the decision to permanently dread my hair. Where I live in Florida, it's not as accepted as, say, Michigan to have dread locks. Still...I've always wanted them, so I have decided to take the plunge at the end of the month.

Do you think they'll look good?

updated by @indigo-moon: 02/14/15 07:49:19AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

exactly but i'll asd it shouldnt matter how accepted it is

it shouldnt matter how they look

iot should only matter how they make u feel

how happy you are

if you feel you should dread then let nothing at all hold you back

(but ya u will look good)

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
indigo moon
13 years ago
3 posts

What a wonderful response! Thank you, Desirae! I think my hair is too short, though, so the stylist mentioned putting in synthetic hair to make them longer. What do you think?

Desirae Rose said:

Yep, they'll look good. But it's all about how YOU see them.

You could have a set so beautifully, gorgeously perfect that it turns heads and stops people in their tracks, but if YOU don't like them, it won't matter what anyone says.

Just make sure you don't constantly compare yours to other people's or you'll have MAJOR envy. XD

Torie Shea
13 years ago
52 posts
I think you'll know when your ready. You have to think of why you want them. Also, your hair is short, so it will definitely get way shorter, which is no big deal...just letting you know. Are you just gonna stop brushing it? Mainly, if you don't have a really good idea that you want them, or know may end up brushing them out in a few months when your hair gets crazy.
indigo moon
13 years ago
3 posts

I am totally ready after looking through pictures on the 'net and this site! I am going to have it locked by a dread stylist.
Torie Shea said:

I think you'll know when your ready. You have to think of why you want them. Also, your hair is short, so it will definitely get way shorter, which is no big deal...just letting you know. Are you just gonna stop brushing it? Mainly, if you don't have a really good idea that you want them, or know may end up brushing them out in a few months when your hair gets crazy.
13 years ago
140 posts

What are you talking about? I live in Florida and my dreads are fine. Fuck what other people think, its your hair, your choice. Asking people if you would look good with them is kind of sad.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

nonono no strylists ever worse idea there is and no synthetic hair

just let it drread or dread it yourself

dont even takk to a stylist they will screw u bad

indigo moon said:

What a wonderful response! Thank you, Desirae! I think my hair is too short, though, so the stylist mentioned putting in synthetic hair to make them longer. What do you think?

Desirae Rose said:

Yep, they'll look good. But it's all about how YOU see them.

You could have a set so beautifully, gorgeously perfect that it turns heads and stops people in their tracks, but if YOU don't like them, it won't matter what anyone says.

Just make sure you don't constantly compare yours to other people's or you'll have MAJOR envy. XD

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Heathen Hippie )O(
13 years ago
164 posts

I am not entirely sure going to a stylist is a great idea. Just me... I know what they would put in my hair n I would not let them near me w a 100 ft pole. lol

I agree w Desirae, though, it matters how YOU feel n think, not others.And that is why I mentioned what I did above. I have only heard bad things about dreadlocks that were started by stylists or with the products they use, and of course we all want you to be happy with your hair! Just a friendly suggestion to make sure that is what you want. Dreadlocks are unique and that is what makes them beautiful!


☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

do not under any circumstances go to a stylist

they aee going to screw u bad what diod they say theyd do?

i guarabntee its 100000% wrong

indigo moon said:

I am totally ready after looking through pictures on the 'net and this site! I am going to have it locked by a dread stylist.
Torie Shea said:

I think you'll know when your ready. You have to think of why you want them. Also, your hair is short, so it will definitely get way shorter, which is no big deal...just letting you know. Are you just gonna stop brushing it? Mainly, if you don't have a really good idea that you want them, or know may end up brushing them out in a few months when your hair gets crazy.

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Panterra Caraway
13 years ago
667 posts

Sounds like you are more concerned with the looks of it than anything else at this point. If you go into it with that mind set you won't be happy or be in it for the long haul. Personally, I don't think you are ready. You need to do as you see fit, but I know how up and down the journey can be (14 mos. for me and my hair took 8 mos. to even have one knot...and I started with hair about your length too). I wish you well with whatever you decide but, please give it some serious thought before you move in any direction. Much love <3

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