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Dreadlocks Forums

new member ,new journey

Anthony J.
13 years ago
12 posts

Howdy everyone,

I'm new to this site but have been lurking it for a few weeks now.

Last week i began my Dreads journey via natural.

At this point i've washed it twice with BS/water and during the day at home i wear a hemp tam.

at work though i keep it tucked under a large knit cap, to prevent oil or anything getting into my hair and forcing another wash.

right now i am seeing my hair begin to twist and just look fuzzy. no worries for me i know that's the process, thanks to the info I've gathered here.

at the nape and back of my head is really getting there fast too in my opinion.I did a few TNR but thought it was a little silly looking and gaudy on me so i undid them and am now letting them do what they want.

I sleep on a wool blanket occasionally to just speed things up, but i'm not in that much of a hurry. I guess because at a slower pace i can control and be aware of their condition and separate if needed.

I suppose that's it for that, I'm glad i found this site and am now in a situation where i can actually get dreads. I've wanted them for many years but always something standing in my way.

I'm not really sure why i wanted them, I was just drawn to them and loved the whole religious, spiritual aspect behind them. I myself follow Buddhism; not that it matters but hey...better late than never, and boy oh boy am i excited.

updated by @anthony-j: 01/13/15 09:04:42PM
13 years ago
833 posts
Congratulations! Sounds like you are starting things off right!
Anthony J.
13 years ago
12 posts
Thanks, I feel good about this, I'm glad i did the research and found this place. everyone here has some really great info. and Deadies!!
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts
awesome intro welcome and congrats it will be a great journey for sure u sure got the right attitude for it

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Anthony J.
13 years ago
12 posts

Thank you SE. Glad to be here.

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