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@taye • 9 months ago
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@taye • 9 months ago
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@taye • 9 months ago
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@taye • 8 years ago • comments: 0
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2015-09-26 14.29.26 2015-08-06 17.54.41 coolpic image
@taye • 8 years ago • comments: 0
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@taye • 9 years ago
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my 3 year old dreads
my 3 year old dreads
my 3 year old dreads


01/08/15 11:16:05AM @fox2:

I saw your bead order! Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy it as much as I loved making it. <3 Fox

Gypsy Vin Rose
12/05/14 01:39:19PM @gypsy-vin-rose:

Taye, I hope you don't mind me saying, but I just love you! : ) I really hope we can meet for real some day. Do you ever join the Rainbow Gathering? I've been wanting to go ever since I first heard about it earlier this year...before I found this site. It was all destined to happen.

Many Blessings & .V.. you way for a Beautiful Day.

Gypsy Vin Rose
12/02/14 12:13:13PM @gypsy-vin-rose:

Thanks so much, Taye...for welcoming me under your wing. I was hoping I hadn't been too forthcoming. : )

I am ecstatic to be on my dread journey with a mentor, friend, and adopted big sister like you. Many Blessings your way. I hope you're having a lovely day.

Gypsy Vin Rose
12/01/14 07:54:45PM @gypsy-vin-rose:

Yes, Taye...I believe we are kindred Souls. : ) If you don'tmind me saying, I feel likeI've met a new big sister. You're my dread mentor! You give suchgreat advice. The thermal leggings combo is something I never would've thought of; but should be so obvious. The double skirt ideais great too. I will certainly be taking your advice this winter.

Thanks so much, again, for being so helpful and caring.

Derek sparks
11/23/14 06:02:35PM @derek-sparks:
Hello I live in Kingsport and wondering if you could give me advice on dreads! I tried to lock my hair up a year ago with not much luck. You seem to know what you're talking about!

Gypsy Vin Rose
11/21/14 04:03:01PM @gypsy-vin-rose:

I can so relate to your choice to wear only flowing clothes, Taye. I've been feeling so restricted by tight clothing lately, like jeans and the like. I'm just trying to figure out a way to wear some sweater tights or stocking beneath a heavier skirt, for winter months, and not build up static cling. : P

I went to the Salvation Army this past week, and bought a pretty skirt (since I don't have any good fabric for making one right now), and a really adorable Boho Hippie style dress to wear with my vintage boots. I do wear tennies to walk in, for exercise, but other than warm weather...I wear flip flops. Living on an island, it seems to fit. : )

Thanks again for all your help and comments. I'm so happy I ran across your profile. : ) Such a Blessing!

.V.. for a wonderful day.

Gypsy Vin Rose
11/16/14 01:53:48PM @gypsy-vin-rose:

Wow! What a lovely little kitchen garden (poteger) you have there, Taye. That basil looks so good, I wish I could reach out and snap off a few bits, and blend up some yummy pesto. : ) I keep a small garden too. I'll be replanting for my cold frame in the coming weeks.

Gypsy Vin Rose
11/16/14 01:50:42PM @gypsy-vin-rose:

Thanks, Taye...for the T-Shirt tip. : ) I planned on doing something like this with old sweaters...for the colder months. Also, since I love to sew, I will be working on some new dreadie fashion rags.

Reading about how long your hair was pre-dreads, and how much length the new dreads gobbled up, makes me realize I just need to sit back and not worry about a thing. I'm in for a loooong dread-ride. haha

I too, plan on making some lovely skirts to wear...pretty much, in place of jeans. My taste is changing--I am evolving into another woman; a much freer woman. I couldn't be more happy about that! I've also been studying the Chakras, meditation and symbolic site. Trying to make time to practice yoga again. Having my young'n sure keeps me busy. She is five now, and I homeschool. I feel so very Blessed to be able to stay home and teach her in a relaxed, cozy environment; ourtiny caravan abode. : )

Today is a good day! I'm feeling very positive about the choices I am making at this point in my life, and I feel fortunate for the changes that seem to be finding me. It's such a gift to befriend kindred Spirits like you. I am so glad I ran across your profile. Your comments and encouragement mean the world to me.

I hope you are having a Blessed Sunday.


Lauren Maxwell
09/29/14 12:51:50PM @lauren-maxwell:

I love your dreads!!! You look damn good for 50. Whatever you are doing keep it up. Peace.

06/11/14 06:16:07PM @sweet:

Thank you Taye for loving the pic of the colourfuldreads, I just re posted it upright, am now having a conversation with her about her dreads and she says they have shrunk so much, thought they were already years old!

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