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Adoptive dreads..

Aimee Miller
13 years ago
3 posts
Hi all, I'm currently on the lookout for some dread donors.. I want to extend my own(I have no patience & mine are short!).So am wondering if anyone has cut theirs and is looking for a good home for them-Hope you all don't think I'm too weird for asking!Peace :)
updated by @aimee-miller: 01/13/15 09:04:42PM
David Dade
13 years ago
39 posts
A while back someone was selling their dreads on ebay you might want to look into it
13 years ago
833 posts

I personally do not like dread extensions. It just creeps me out to think about attaching a stranger's hair to my dreads. It is also taking away the actual "journey". My hair was to my lower back when I started. It shrank up to way above my shoulders. It took 2 years to even really start growing. I got to watch my hair progress. It has made me more attached to my dreads. They mean something to me. And they are finally getting longer!!

I do think it is a wonderful thing to incorporate a loved ones hair into dreads. On this site just recently a member attached his life long friend's hair to his. They had been friends since very small children, and his friend moved to Europe. He may never actually see him again. But he has attached a physical reminder of him to carry on his journey. Another member added hair from her husband and daughter. The most touching story was where a member had attached his brother's (who had passed away) dreads to his. That puts great meaning into their dreads. It is personal and beautiful.

But some stranger's just creepy. Don't know who they are or what kind of person they are. To me dreads are spiritual. What kind of energy would you be incorporating into your dreads? And it is like cheating. It also changes this wonderful dread journey and kinda cheapens it. Like the difference between a journey around the world and a trip to the store.

I suggest taking Biotin supplements. I have been taking it since January and can tell a big difference in how fast my hair is growing.

Massaging your scalp to get blood flowing helps it grow. I have also heard of people who hang their head over the side of the bed for 10 or 15 minutes a day to get blood flow. I don't know if it works, but I would rather try it than add extensions.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

what starts off short just gets longer in no time youd be chopping off the extentions u spent so much time and money on

mine began at 2 inches and did not take long to grow to mid back

and 1 day they will reach your ankles

the best way to get long dreads is to just keep them healthy and happy and let em grow

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
13 years ago
1,291 posts
theres a girl on here that extended her dreads using her son and husbands hair. i think its really beautiful when theres a connection like that. i don't think i would put some strangers locks in my hair though. :P
Aimee Miller
13 years ago
3 posts
A friend has recently shaved his locks off for charity.. He has allowed me to adopt a few :) I am gonna use these and remain patient on the rest... Thanks everyone

Heather said:
theres a girl on here that extended her dreads using her son and husbands hair. i think its really beautiful when theres a connection like that. i don't think i would put some strangers locks in my hair though. :P
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