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Tara D
14 years ago
27 posts
Ah awesome, not too difficult a move to make then =] And obviously a wise choice as you enjoy living there =D 5 yrs time I'll be knockin on yer door ;)Did you get the mandatory whip to go with the white coat and safety goggles? I hear its quite useful for fulfilling the 'being a prick' category =P As for the wealthy benefactor... murder a rich relative? Maybe not. Don't really want your leading example to be a murderous money slave now do we. Or do we? =PT xx
updated by @tara-d: 07/23/15 03:46:10AM
Tara D
14 years ago
27 posts
Haha, how unfortunate! If they're so unhappy they should bugger back off again =PI've heard of Coseley - don't think I've ever been there though have most likely driven through! Wolvos alreet - still go to the Giff/Planet occasionally if we fancy a change from Birmingham, and still got family living over that way - my Sis lives in Lanesfield.Wow what a shock! And very little time to get used to the idea I'm sure - I can imagine why the idea of home would have appealed so greatly in that situation. They might be hard work, but would you change it for the world? I'm sure you wouldn't =] Every mother says the same thing!Ha, I hear ya on the saving money, so many stories of people coming home cos they run out of money etc... I don't intend that to happen (fingers crossed!). I have a couple of mates who come back, work for a while to save, then bugger off wherever for a few months and repeat, and it seems like a wonderful life! If only all of us found it that easy ;)T xx Rachael said:
No-one I know wanted to come back! but unfortunately most of them ARE back and grumbling about the weather!
Im in coseley about 5 mins from wolvo! heard of it? its.. umm... well. BORING.
It was all a bit of a drama really! For various reasons I didn't know I was pregnant and when I did find out, I was already 5 months pregnant and slightly traumatised! lol So I freaked out and came home :) Couldn't imagine going back to live though, kids are hard fricken work!! I need my family! Australia is a great place to raise kids, the kids I met out there were awesome and had such a great sense of adventure!!
2014 is AGES away! so you have plenty of time to do some planning oh and SAVING MONEY....lots of money... XD

Tara D said:
Rachael - I haven't actually been to Aus - ever! I'm actually scared to go because why would I want to come back? If I get this PhD out the way then I don't need to come back ;) There are many other reasons that I have become disillusioned with this country, but we'll not go into that here =] For now it does well, and it does have its upsides occasionally =]

I originally grew up in Wolves, but moved near to Sutton to go to college when I was 16 and have been living here since! Brum just seemed like a step-up from Wolvo as a teenager! I did study at Aston for 3 years too though which was quite handy =]

Did you not want to raise kiddies in Aus then, or was it more a having the family near thing? Where abouts near Brum do you live?

T xx
Tara D
14 years ago
27 posts
MagicMeganMama- Thank yee =]Rachael - Heh tell the truth last time I went to planet I nearly ended up in numerous fights because of all the little scene kiddies on the dancefloor that were intent on dancing like dying sardines than getting a good skank on like they shoulda =P Talk about wasting good music! That said the pub does get more attention these days - more to be said for enjoying a conversational evening with a few decent people than a barely remembered night out with a bunch of people you only kinda know! Don't make ya sound old at all - if yer happy, thats all that matters =]Haha ace, right mental is always a good thing =D good to meet you too =]T xx
14 years ago
849 posts
god I love the way you brits talk!!!LOL Welcome!
Sami Ahmed
14 years ago
23 posts
welcome to the site!!! this is really a great site.
Tara D
14 years ago
27 posts
Thanks guys =DAnd we don't talk *that* funny NaturalWomyn =P Though I lived in Cali for a little while and all the kids did used to get me to say 'plate' and various other words because it sounded absolutely hilarious for some reason =POne thing I never got though was Graham - we say 'Gray-am' and you say 'Graam'... Hence them being Gray-am crackers, not Graam crackers =P curraaazeeee xx
14 years ago
849 posts
I didn't say it was funny I said I like it! You just use a lot of expressions that we don't! :o) Tara D said:
Thanks guys =D
And we don't talk *that* funny NaturalWomyn =P Though I lived in Cali for a little while and all the kids did used to get me to say 'plate' and various other words because it sounded absolutely hilarious for some reason =POne thing I never got though was Graham - we say 'Gray-am' and you say 'Graam'... Hence them being Gray-am crackers, not Graam crackers =P curraaazeeee xx
Tara D
14 years ago
27 posts
Hah I guess so, I re-read the posts and realised =] Its all good fun xx
14 years ago
849 posts
well maybe it's a lil funny but I bet if you heard me say "go paak the caah" you'd think it was "wicket" funny!! LOL!! I just love accents and i totally read peoples posts in the accent they have! lol! :o)
14 years ago
70 posts
You crazy Yanks & Poms =P
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