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Grand-Mommy Has Dreads!

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10 years ago
29,641 posts

u have no idea

in england a friend went to a loctician the loctician said 'we dont use wax cause wax is bad for the hair and hard to get out" so they poured black liquid latex...yes rubber..over her blond hair turning it into a black sticky mess then twisted them into sections and called that dreads ..every bit of furniture and clothes then were covered in sticky black rubber ruining everything she owned and the rubber wouldnt come out nomatter what she tried so had to shave and start over naturally

another loctician bought atool if u look in the tragicly humerouse section of the forums theres a pattent application for a "multi headed rotating reciprocating dreadlocking tool" it basicly rotates around your dread ..orsection of haior firing thousands of lil crochet hooks through it as it rotates

the inventor tried pushing it on another forum as a way to easily make and maintain dreads and was laughed at till he left but a loctician actualy bought 1 at 400 dollars and used it for the 1st time on her freind whio then joined here ..most likely the only person this torture device was ever used on but it completely mangled his hair they didnt look like dreads just nmangked hair barely hanging on total disasters..

salonsd will do whatever it takes to cut corners speed it up so they can charge more money for less time spent

if you look aroundf here u will see alottas rediculouse stuff being done

and alotta tragic results

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1

updated by @soaring-eagle: 07/22/15 12:08:07PM
Gypsy Vin Rose
10 years ago
19 posts

That sounds really painful, Soaring Eagle! Ouch!! I'm sure sorry for the person who fell for it....and actually paid money. Ugh! I'm just glad my hair tangles easily; which (from what I've seen and read) is the dread in it's infant form.

Like I said in an earlier post, I tried a few t & r dreads today, but my hair has a mind of its own...and didn't take too well to that method. Looks like it's time to head down to the beach. The salt water and sea breeze always does the trick. : )

10 years ago
833 posts

I am not a grandmother but I am old enough to be. My oldest daughter is 28. I am 50 years old.

Gypsy Vin Rose
10 years ago
19 posts

Taye...your dreads look great, from what I can see in your pic! Your hair looks really long. I am hoping mine will end up looking even half as good. So good! I'm forming new dreadies every day it seems. I admit...I did some T & R dreads the other day (2 days ago), because my hair was just getting to me. It looks better now, but the difference in the natural dreads and the ones I helped along is very obvious. I still haven't made it down to the beach for a full day of fun and sun by the sea. I know that'll tighten my little dreadies right up.

Thanks so much for your comment. If you have any pics of your earlier process, I would love to see them. Are your dreads natural, btw?

Harmony Moon
10 years ago
14 posts

Hang there! The patience will come right along with the dreads! Great job so far!

I am also old enough to be a Dreadie Grannie!! :P

10 years ago
833 posts

I have a few that are backcombed. I have a few that were TnR. A couple were braids that turned into dreads. The majority are from neglect. I can not really tell which were which anymore. I have not done a thing to my dreads except for washing weekly (at least) and separating every once in a while. If you look on my page I posted a picture for each year (except for this last one). My dreads have gotten pretty long. I need to post new photos. Your dreads are going to be beautiful!

Gypsy Vin Rose said:

Taye...your dreads look great, from what I can see in your pic! Your hair looks really long. I am hoping mine will end up looking even half as good. So good! I'm forming new dreadies every day it seems. I admit...I did some T & R dreads the other day (2 days ago), because my hair was just getting to me. It looks better now, but the difference in the natural dreads and the ones I helped along is very obvious. I still haven't made it down to the beach for a full day of fun and sun by the sea. I know that'll tighten my little dreadies right up.

Thanks so much for your comment. If you have any pics of your earlier process, I would love to see them. Are your dreads natural, btw?

Gypsy Vin Rose
10 years ago
19 posts

Thanks for commenting Harmony. : )

It seems since my last writing, my dreadies have gone wild! Literally, they are sticking out all over my head, and not quite what I was hoping for at this point. *feeling a bit discouraged*

But...even still, I won't give up on my dread babies. I'm just wondering if this is because the way I'm sleeping, or perhaps my dreads are too big; since I don't have very many, when you consider that my hair is in full dreads now.

Any advice would be very appreciated. I really don't know where to go from here. So...I'll just keep waiting it out, and pull my dreads up into a bunch on my head...and cover with a rag. : /

I did rip a few of the really big ones into two smaller dreads the other day. It helped a bit, but...still they stick out in all directions like Pippie Longstocking. --Not exactly the look I was hoping for. Even though, growing dreads, for me, really is more for my Spiritual awakening than the vanity of it all.

Blessings & .V.. (Peace)


Harmony Moon
10 years ago
14 posts
I meant to say..." Hang IN there"!Throughout the journey we are rewarded with patience and peace, and an entirely different perspective on ourselves and beauty.

Harmony Moon said:

Hang there! The patience will come right along with the dreads! Great job so far!

I am also old enough to be a Dreadie Grannie!! :P

Gypsy Vin Rose
10 years ago
19 posts
Thanks Harmony. : ) I feel I am on that journey, and I am loving it more each day. And, even though my dreads are still young, wild and free, I see them maturing just a bit more week by week. I look forward to a freer future, with a full head of mature dreads.Blessings, .V.. (Peace) and much Thanks for your comment and encouragement.
Gypsy Vin Rose
10 years ago
19 posts

Thanks Harmony. : ) I feel I am on that journey, and I am loving it more each day. And, even though my dreads are still young, wild and free, I see them maturing just a bit more week by week. I look forward to a freer future, with a full head of mature dreads.

Blessings, .V.. (Peace) and much Thanks for your comment and encouragement.

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