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not enough dreads?

Heather Euphemia
10 years ago
1 posts

Hi, I've had my dreads around 4 months now and I'm not entirely happy with the way they are looking :( I only have around 31/32 but now I'm starting to worry if I have enough. They are definitely dreading up okay, however when I wear my hair down it looks really sparse so I'm tying it back a lot.

Basically, is 30 dreads enough? Or will they end up really thick? My hair isn't naturally that thick as I have blonde, Scandinavian like hair. Would it be a bad idea to take some out and start over seen as I am close to the 6th month mark?

I just want the straggly look to go away and my hair to look healthier!

updated by @heather-euphemia: 01/13/15 10:06:08PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10 years ago
29,641 posts

30 is plenty for med thick

we have ppl with under 20 wich under 20 is getting lil too thick

30 is good but your number will change all the time new ones will pop up in between

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
10 years ago
833 posts

At the end of my first year I had less than 30 dreads. I have not brushed my hair in over 7 years now. I have over 60 dreads. Your babies are only 4 months old. They are still going to shrink and fatten up. Over time they will not look or feel as "straggly." They are going to change so much over the years. The trick is don't stress over it. Just let it happen. Just think of your dreads as going through an ugly duckling phase. It is important to let your hair move around freely. If you keep it pulled back it will take longer to knot up.

Arkynstone GypsyFae
10 years ago
37 posts

30 is a decent number unless you want thin dreads. I started off with somewhere in the 30 dread range and just counted 42 with some loose hair still just starting to knot (but I didn't count those couple of sections as dreads since they're still in the 'fragile and could unlock at any moment' stage. A few of the more recent ones are brand new babies that formed between previously formed dreads. I'm about 10.5 months in and have fine hair as well. Listen to Soaring Eagle and hang in there! Being patient with them is hard, but worth it!

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