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what are your dreads like?

Cristin Nessen
12 years ago
158 posts
Man I wish mine would shrink up on top. Even if it is a mullet now, at least it looks like dreads, I'm assuming? Lol mine are underneath and ratty in the back, amd scraggly on top, so I currently look kinda like a caveman haha. My good ones are hidden under all my hair! :p
updated by @cristin-nessen: 07/22/15 11:55:26AM
Kelsey Cliche!
12 years ago
122 posts
I haven't counted yet because I'm lazy, and also like Heather I still have a lot of loose hair. The top layer of hair is taking the longest to knot, save for 5 really good ones. I have to wear my hair pulled back for work, so I feel like my ponytail is helping one spot and hindering the rest. I love the loops! I have one dread that looks like a roller coaster right now. :)
Cristin Nessen
12 years ago
158 posts
They take on some crazy shapes don't they?!
12 years ago
61 posts
I've got about 64. Give or take 2 or 3, since I always feel like I've counted some of the same ones twice. As for thickness, it varies depending on where on my head they form. Towards the front, they're thinner, but in the back(especially on the top), they're fat and hungry, like an obese kid. I've got mediums just about everywhere and a few skinnies. My dreads are mostly smooth, but I think that's due to my hair texture. Never saw too many loops as they formed. Had a lot of balls of hair forming at ends, though. Heck, I still have a few in the back. For the most part, I love 'em, but I just wish the ones in front grew back and not out in my face. D'oh well, what can you do with african hair? It does whatever the hell it wants.
Cristin Nessen
12 years ago
158 posts
Lol see as far as the direction mine grow, it's not badm as the ones in front are usually tucked behind my ears, so they're kinda "trained" that way I guess you could say. What I don't like though is how flat and downward mine grow on top. Maybe it's because they're still new that they look kinda ridiculous to me, but they're all loopy and puffy at the middle on down, but the top of my head just looks flat like I have hat hair or something :s hahah
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