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Thinking Of Cutting

14 years ago
569 posts
I don't know if this will piss SE off or not but this is dread related in some if you've read my other thread then you know what's going on in my life...this is just so PAINFUL!!! I haven't decided yet but I might just do it. I might cut my hair off. I MIGHT...I really talked to her today about the future and of getting back together and there is a chance for us to get back together, there is a chance. She even told me but...I don't know what kind of chance it is. I don't know if she'll take me back and if we'll get together but when I started my dreads, I started because I was starting a new life. A life with her...a life that I fully committed to and I love her dearly and it hurts so much. My hair is still fairly short right now but it carries so much weight. I feel it weighing down on me like a ton of bricks. I want to keep dreading, I don't want to start a new set but I want her to be with me. I want her to see the changes that I go through, to experience life together and I want that to be the story behind my dreads. I do NOT want the story of my dreads to be, well I moved out to start my own life, got engaged to a great girl and then got dumped seven months later and had to move back to my old home. I was depressed forever and I wanted to die. I want to experience life together and I want get married and have children. I want that to be the story behind my dreads. Now the only thing that I can think of doing is waiting and seeing if we get back together in time. If we do then I won't cut and if we don't then I'll cut and hopefully my hair contains my life and I bleed out and die.Yes, I feel that horrible.If things go badly between us in the first week of me living in GA then I'm going to cut and not look back. If things go well I'm going to keep talking to her, keep dreading and keep hoping that love will return to our relationship.
updated by @greygargoyle: 02/14/15 08:06:02AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts
not 1 week give it 3 at least

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
14 years ago
569 posts
I'll take your advice, SE. Thanks. Three weeks.
neil coe
14 years ago
361 posts
mmmmmm well this contains to dreads so no prob...... and i understand you are going through a rough time right now, and sad that you even have the tough that you might cut your hair, almost makes me want to cry, i would never, but if thats what you feel is right then got to do what you go to do....... cause to me it seems like you started your dreads, to be happy, but now our not, in fact your a mess, and you shouldn't beat yourself up too bad, i know its hard, but you got to stay positive, if she dont take you back i would still keep them, you will get through this, i know your in love, but sometimes you got to let go or youll go crazy, and you'll find happiness once again........ well hope you stay strong bro, if ya need to talk i think im a good listener and talker.... might not be, i just think so lol
Jake Holland
14 years ago
203 posts
I'm not sure what to say here because I started mine for the opposite reasons but I can see where your at you wouldn't want them as that reminder. Who knows how things will work out but there are things that could be learned here, expressed with your locks. I know how you feel though man, I really do.
14 years ago
751 posts
I agree with SE. Give it time don't rush it. You're going through a really hard time and I completely understand and agree with why you want to cut. You have to start fresh if you still want to dread. Or else you'll have all of the weight from these days on you for as long as you have these current locks.Still sending thoughts and prayers your way :)
14 years ago
844 posts
, I wish i had more time to think this response thru, but I once almost cut my dreadlocks off because of a break up with someone I loved. in the end, I decided it wasn't right or worth it,hang in there man
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts
you moved out from home to be with her what u really did was move on not out moved on from being with your family to being with someone u wanted to be with again your moving oput and moving on anfd if it dopnt work out you'll find another you';l want to be with someday hate rto say it but might happen a few times b54 u end up with the 1 who can put up with all the lil things u do you wee is easy but..putting up with the ppl we love is much harder dont worry bout fonding someone to love look for someone who can tolerate u for a long time thats the person who will edtick around despite all the issues.3 months from now if things dont work out with her you'll be starting something with someone else might last 3 weeks or 3 years but if shes got a high tollerence rtowards you it just might last 30u know what eldse? the next 1 might feel like tyhe 1 too the 1 youir meant to be with forever..but the 1swt is the 1 that hurts the mostthe next 1 might make u mad not sad and the 1 after glad not mad you will be building tollerence too and 1 day you'll find someome who can both love and tolerate toobelieve it or not the tollerance is the harder partim not trying to make u feel worse just being realistic theres a chance she will come around and i hope she does..but if not its not the ende of the world its just the end of the 1st in a series that will be your would being creatted and destroyed till its strong enough to handle the turmoil that is love love is chaos its volitile it needs to be strong to ebdure its own fury.. love will tear itself apart unrill its foundf the tollerence to hold it together

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
14 years ago
569 posts
Thank everyone here so much. I don't know what came over me but talking to everyone on the site, the praying and positive vibes, the getting advice and talking to my grandma and a couple friends I just got an inner peace and hope that goes beyond words. Seriously, thank you all. For some reason I am completely positive of the future and I see us getting back together soon and there is no stopping me right now. Spirits are high right now. I can't wait until tomorrow I get to take her to a movie. Show her I love her. Like I said to Jake, I'm still in her head so apparently it isn't over yet...and I have to fix myself before I can fix US.So bring it on. I can't wait.
Jake Holland
14 years ago
203 posts
Good luck bro GreyGargoyle said:
Thank everyone here so much. I don't know what came over me but talking to everyone on the site, the praying and positive vibes, the getting advice and talking to my grandma and a couple friends I just got an inner peace and hope that goes beyond words. Seriously, thank you all. For some reason I am completely positive of the future and I see us getting back together soon and there is no stopping me right now. Spirits are high right now. I can't wait until tomorrow I get to take her to a movie. Show her I love her. Like I said to Jake, I'm still in her head so apparently it isn't over yet...and I have to fix myself before I can fix US.
So bring it on. I can't wait.
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