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5 month dreadlocks

Gavin Brooks
13 years ago
22 posts

Is it typical to have dreads this well done at 5 and half months?

I'm going on 3 and a half months right now but i want to know if they should get like this. Below is a picture attached of my hair.


updated by @gavin-brooks: 01/13/15 09:00:08PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

yours is a bit shorter and thats why its takin a bit longer but your progressing perfectly normally

2 months will give u that all important extra inch and really jump start em alot more

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Gavin Brooks
13 years ago
22 posts
Thanks SE!
john kopfle
13 years ago
50 posts
Mine are alittle over a month and they look like yours but your r gonna be pretty sweet!! Did you see this guys video of 2.5 yrs I think it was?? There sooooo sic I want mine like them I love this dudes videos
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