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Required Length For Beardlocks

Raven's Light
8 years ago
346 posts

I had tried to write this post last night, but it didn't come out right so I deleted it. So here's take two. I had a question about growing dreads from the style of beard I have...namely, I'm wondering if I should wait a long while even after this current part is long enough to grow out the sides (which I have been keeping trimmed), or if I should just keep trimming 'em? A good number of people in my life have told me I look good with the sides shaved. ....I know this seems a little like an odd question but I want to see what advice if any ya'll have. (Cause it will take the sides a LONG time to catch up, and I am unsure because growing out the sides would mean MORE dreads to take care of, but I know I'd adjust. Mainly I'm wondering if I should keep doing what I'm doing or grow out the other parts - although the mismatched length is kinda putting me off that idea) 

As per the current ruling by the court of appeals, some of what I"ve seen seems to indicate them contradicting and in a sense over ruling title IX, as they call dreads not an immutable trait

8 years ago
36 posts

Having a beard dreaded seems a little bit too much care for my taste but that's just me. I have a somewhat longer than usuall beard but I like the undreaded look of it cause it contrasts the dreads on my head. I even thought of trimming it very short multiple times but I'm still leaving it cause I got used to it and I think I'd miss it too much at this point. But yea just looking at Soaring Eagle how even his beard is not fully dreaded I think that facial hair just don't tend to dread as much in general. I wouldn't bother with it, too much to think about like I said, I like to have my beard at somewhat of a liberal length, it just naturally sticks out at a sharp angle so it already has a kinda aggresive look to it, lol.

Raven's Light
8 years ago
346 posts

Good point alienem.  I plan to grow my beard back out to maybe around 6 inches, but I am thinking I'll brush it, cause you're right if I let it dread that would be much more work. ...but time will tell, right now I'm still growing it out. I was wondering if I should have grown my sides out too, but I'm sure then that would be way more work in the long run.  I do wonder if I should have let the sides grow out when I had started to let my beard grow out. I'm sure now it look a little odd to start the sides I do enjoy the contrast of the bare skin that contrasts the dreads and the beards.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
8 years ago
29,641 posts

-well on the title IX thing and new court ruling the 2 have nothing at all to do with one another.

the ruling was specifically stating that dreadlocks were changeable so therefore not accepted as guaranteed when using the racial or cultural argument. title IX ever mentions race nor culture, only religion and spirituality which are guaranteed rights in the bill of rights. freedom of religious expression. any court ruling to the contrary would be defended by the aclu  and would have to be thrown out, overturned or taken to the supreme court, where it would be overturned as unconstitutional.

the ruling was specific as well to 1 companies policies that required racial neutral dress. which yes i find offensive and unethical, its like requiring women to not wear skirts earrings makeup in fact..bras, anything that identified them as female (and vice versa for men, gender neutral dress codes)

ok back on the dread beard topic my 1st set i had a fu Manchu  that was loooong  well not long compared to now  but as far as fu manchus go it was longer then average. after that  i had just a moustache awhile (ack my damn parents posted a photo on my fb wall from back then..i don't recognize that person as me, or even anyone i ever knew!!) anyways then i let the fu Manchu start to row out again before letting the rest so had 2 parts that were 3 inches or so longer then the rest.

those are the ones i stuck some beads in early on that dreaded 1t then grew maybe 4-6 more.. but they eventually congod or got lost from sitting on them so im back to just 2

even when there were 6 or so  though..what work are yiu referring to that's so much trouble? washing?

its no trouble no work .. theres a number on here with beard dreads  theres a couple with dozens of them and they aren't any problem at all

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Raven's Light
8 years ago
346 posts

Ok cool, I'm also more wondering if I should have waited to grow out my beard and just had let the sides grow out at the same time. I sort of wonder if it would look weird if I just let the sides start to grow and let them bee to try and catch up with the rest of it....I mean I'm sure they'd take long-time, as my sides don't seem to grow as quick as the chin or mustache do. So basically I'm wondering if it actually makes more sense to keep the sides shaved and just grow out what I have and or maybe grow them out and keep them trimmed to a certain length? But I'm not too sure on that last part

I am kinda wondering if with the style of beard I have, which of the above options is the better one.

updated by @ravens-light: 11/05/16 12:59:11PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
8 years ago
29,641 posts

does it matter? 1 beard dreads  like 9 inches or so longer then the other

in the end dreads tend to be all diferent lengths anyway

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Raven's Light
8 years ago
346 posts

I'm just wondering if it'll look odd that my beard will be shorter on one part and longer on the other....I guess I have to use the addage of when in doubt, grow it out, LOL. I mean I only shaved the sides because I had a job interview....kinda regret doing that, lol. Guess it'll just be a while for the sides to grow out again and catch up to the rest (if I can keep mysel from trimming them, LOL) 

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
8 years ago
29,641 posts

well that's the point the left side of mines wayyy longer then the right

whats wrong with looking odd? i had a friend that shaved 1/ his beard  so only had a beard on 1 side of his face, another (back a couple decades) was a kinda wizard, walked around the city with a huge wizards staff with a medicine bag containing herbs, crystals, and a squirrels nuts (not the kind they eat) and wrapped around tye staff was a big green stuffed dragon, he  had a Mohawk in the shape of a question mark

i had a gf who was all inti asymmetry she wore 1 colored contact, 2 diferent shoes  etc etc,

looking odds the only way to not look so..even.. or normal..or boring

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
8 years ago
36 posts

It all comes down to ur personal preference. I don't judge anyone, but I also don't like to be judged by others. My personal preference as far as facial hair goes is to leave it fairly natural, but I could never go all out natural in means of just not shaving anything at all. If that's your thing fine, but I do shave or just trim some of my facial hair from time to time (usually not more often than once a month tho). I have a hard time letting my moustache to grow over my upper lip, so I trim them when that happens. I do not have a lot hairs growing on the sides so I sometimes just shave the sides completely and just let a goatee. In the past I liked to experiment with different beard styles but this can get quite time consuming if u want to keep some "perfect" beard shape at all times. I stopped doing this around the same time when I stopped having expectations about "perfect" dreads. At first I wanted to have dreads like african american twisted style, but I'm far past this point now.

At first I wanted to have dreads because of fashion reasons but when I actually got properly educated on the matter (by Soaring Eagle), I now have a completely different perspective. I started seeing natural as more beatiful and superior to all those overly manufactured and artificial stuff that we get bombarded with by media and popular culture.

updated by @alienemotion: 11/05/16 01:36:42PM
Raven's Light
8 years ago
346 posts

Edit: I meant that I agree with SE on looking out of the ordinary is a good thing. Just unsure what to do about the sides of my beard, since I foolishly trimmed the off and now they'll grow back so slow, it just looks incongruent to the rest of the beard, oh well. Guess I'll have grow it out for a while, not sure if I'll trim the sides to a certain length or just let 'em go...

Oh I totally agree, I was just trying to envision myself with a long beard on my chin and shorter sides and it seemed to me to not be what I'm looking for, but I'm not really a fan, on myself, of the square type of look many beards get....but I'm thinking this may be a sign that I should really just put down the razor for a while and let things grow....I mean I liked having a fuller beard, although my sides don't really grow out very quick, I guess that'll be ok. I'm just a little more wondering about how I would navigate job interviews while my beard is growing out. (as I'm still looking for a job, being a recent college graduate). ....this brings to mind another question, how vital is the neckline to growing a long beard? I would always trim off mine, even though it's grown back by now, it's not too long and just always gets itchy.

updated by @ravens-light: 11/05/16 01:41:43PM
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