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Children with Dreadlocks??

Chevelle Trant
15 years ago
33 posts

My beautiful daughter Cheyanne asked if she could have dreadlocks and my personal opinion is that she should be free to choose her own style. I told her yes and soon she's going to have her own knatty locks. Would you let your kids have dreads? Cheyanne is the older girl with the long hair.

updated by @chevelle-trant: 02/14/15 08:32:14AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
15 years ago
29,641 posts
i know they arent my kids but i feel very connected to those 2 and have a deep love and respect for them both, they are amazing kids with amazing hearts minds and spirits.when cheyanne said she wanted dreads i was so proud of hershed have gorgouse dreadsi think we should talk to her about the varios ways to dread and let her decide wether to go natural or notshes shown alot of wisdom and inteligence and i think shes mature enough to make a good desicion herself with just the right explanation of the optionstell them both i love em

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Matthew Breen
15 years ago
17 posts
omg omg omg as soon as i read this i got soooo excited YAAAY the thought of little kids with dreadlocks makes me soo happy . first of all dreadlocks is really rare where i am at so when i see someone with dreadlocks i freak out with excitement lol and then if i see a girl with dreadlocks which i did ina different city it makes me 100 times more excited because thats like super rare to me and now little kids omg i am having like a seizure lol (ok maybe that could have been offennsive) but that is just so great and i love how you think they should be able to decide for themselves because tahts how my mom was with me, but she says getting to choose your hairstyle is a privelege and if i get bad grades and stuff etc she would cut them off . i dont think she would thought but its a pretty frightening threat if you know what i mean. ohh i am so excited to see you kid with dreadlocks i am worried they will quit out though cuz its always rough in the beginning. plz encourage her as much as possible. lol i didnt even answer your question i was just to excited and then i get talking , but YES i would love for my kids to have dreadlocks if i one day had kids.
15 years ago
73 posts
I'm all for it too. I guess the only thing to worry about is if they go to public school and the whole lice issue. but there are treatments out there.If my daughter wanted dreadlocks - i would be ecstatic. But it is their decision so I can't push them into it either.
15 years ago
141 posts
She has awesome hair! So cute
15 years ago
16 posts
I was directed to this forum & topic by Kath (thank you) because I posted a similar question on tribe.My 5-year-old daughter wants dreadlocks too. : ) I think it's great, but I was wondering if anyone in the dread community knew of a reason/s why I should not let her. (I'm hoping not, since I think they'll be so cute on her.)Your girls are precious.
15 years ago
303 posts
I have to say, I wouldn't put them in my kids hair unless they asked.But they'd have them with-in 12 hours of asking I tell you what!!!!
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
15 years ago
29,641 posts
alotta good commentswell since chevy is bust as always i'll pop in some moree infochevy is my best freind in the world in fact im moving in with them really soon.her daughter cheyanne had grown her hair from birth..up untill chevy split from her asshole ex who chopped the hair off as a revenge her hairs nowhere near as long nowme and chevy also are buying a bus together to travel in as much as we can, so we will most likely be looking into homeschooling while we travel.we arent 100% sure yet onthat but are concidering it as an option.both her girls are very special people who show incredible strength and wisdom for children so youngso it doesnt suprise me at all they would want to dread

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
15 years ago
16 posts
Homeschooling, roadschooling, unschooling, call it what you will, but that's what we're planning on doing with our daughter while we're living on the road. It definitely seems like the best choice for us.We are going to an unschooling conference in September in Texas called Rethinking Education . You all might want to check it out if you can.
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
15 years ago
29,641 posts
oh thats awesomewe definately gotta keep in touch and share some experiencesseems were on simular paths so can help eachother out

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
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