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Brittle and breakage

12 years ago
21 posts

so im noticing that my hair does not have itsusualelasticity that it did before using baking soda in place of shampoo. frankly it breaks with no give what so ever.

I was wondering if i am doing something wrong. the process im following now is waiting as long as ican to wash (2-3 a week) using acv on the third wash.... my scalp is super itchy but i will say my face is loving it

Should i be using acv more? should i addessentialoils?
does dry hair have to be brittle?

updated by @theohm: 02/14/15 03:27:04AM
Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

Absolutely use ACV every time. it doesn't have to be much. But baking soda is a base. That means it is raising the pH of your scalp and hair above what it's normal range is. In organic material, a change in pH of anything over .05 is HUGE. BS changes your pH by around 2-3. This makes your hair much drier and more brittle. It'll also make your scalp itch like crazy in between washes. The ACV is used to reset your pH back to normal. if you don't use it, then you are leaving your hair dry and brittle for long periods. This will effect it, making it brittle and break.

Oils are not 100% needed, but they do help with keeping you from itching in between washes. Some of them, like teatree and rosemary, have properties that are good for the health of your scalp. I'd recommend you add these to your wash every time

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

and wash way more why are u waiting 2-3 weeks to wash you should be washing 2-3 times each weeek

and definately use the acv each time

your basicly frying your hair if u dont

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

I think he meant he washes 2-3 times a week. I thought about that too

12 years ago
21 posts

2-3x a week... i forgot an x sorry

People were saying you dont need acv everytime... and it seems to make my hair oily faster...requiring me to wash more.

Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

Ok. Yeah, you've got to wash more often than that. 2-3 times a week is best for younger locks. When they are mature, you can go down to 1-2 times a week. But if you can help it, never wash less than once a week. Dirty hair does not lock. It gets oily and grease which makes it slick and prevents knotting.

12 years ago
833 posts

are you adding sea salt to your BS? Some people do. Sea salt will dry your hair out even worse. So if you are.....don't do it anymore. Just a thought.

12 years ago
21 posts

nope no sea salt. but thanks.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

how oily does it get some oil is nesacary for healthy hair u just dont want to be ovrly oily

technicaly the acv is nesacary for healthy hair every time but with excessivly oily hair you can temporarily tip th scales so to speak and allow it to be lil too alkaline just till its starting to produce less oil then swing it back to the proper ph

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
12 years ago
21 posts

its not like i have a ph meter. but the bs acv baking soda never really gets it to a state of not being oily. mostly towards the root/scalp

The ratio i am using is about 1-2 tablespoons bakingsoda to acup of water in a spray bottle.
same ratio for acv. is this too strong too weak?

ive been trying tip the scale as you say.. but its not exactlyinstructedto a science

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