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veggie vegan omni ital? whats your diet and hows it relate to your dreadiness (if at all)

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,640 posts

akll false we did not eat nmeat before fire was discovered

they claim we did cause they found scratch marks on a bone

guess what the scratch marks were made by a rock they said well thry used rock tools so thered=fore they are tool marks

but a rock falling and breaking a leg makes the same marks

a bone burried nexr t to a rock makes the same marks

meat eatters love to make up false data to support meat eatting

we are raw vegans by nature

its the healthiest diet]

its what our bodies are clearly designed for

end of story

you can eat anty old crap u want but its not human food
case in pount in india they eat hardened clay..yes rocks because thet-=y have nutrients u can eat theserocks but are they part of humans natural diet?

is msg and polysorbate 80

we pump our food full of crap thats not naturaly part of pur diet ..and we eat meat wich is not jaturally human hfood

u can eat it and live but its not meant to be eatten by himans your not designed for it

JustSomeChick said:

colon cancer is not "rampant" amongst meat eaters. I'd like to see some sources for your claims. Also, humans did not start eating meat when they started cooking. We consumed raw meat before we developed cooking and our brains developed into what they are today as a result of eating meat. We were able to hunt this meat by bait and trap.

Also, there are cultures where humans run for long periods of time in order to induce an animal to have heat stroke and therefore die, such as the Tarahumara. and they are able to do that because they run barefoot. Humans do not need sharp teeth and claws to hunt.

and if meat is so bad, please explain of the terribly unhealthy vegetarians I know? Such as my vegetarian friend who is dangerously anemic, or my obese vegan friend. Or how about my vegan friend who is diabetic?

and look at cultures such as the Inuits. they eat a diet of primarily meat, due to their location, and yet they don't have heart disease and their cancer rate is extremely low.

Cancer is common amongst WESTERNERS. Do you know why? Not because they eat meat. It is because they eat meat from animals raised in CAFOs, injected with hormones and antibiotics, and fed inappropriate food such as grain. They drink milk from these same cows, milk treated with rBGH and then pasteurized and the fat reduced creating a nutritionally dead drink laden with chemicals and hormones. They eat vegetables from GMOs and sprayed with countless pesticides. Their diet is made up of mostly grains, which provide little nutrition, but a lot of carbs and sugar and lots of health problems. This is particularly true for gluten containing grains such as wheat, rye and barley who cause malabsorption and leaky gut syndrome.

Westerners have cancer because they drink chemical laden water, inject themselves with insane amounts of toxins via vaccines, take more prescription meds than anyone else. They have cancer because they slather their skin and hair with toxic products that contain parabens, sulfates, etc. They are more prone to sickness because women are LIED to and convinced that formula is equal to breast milk and therefore, our breastfeeding rates are low because most women don't even try. Westerners are sick because of a lack of exercise and sun. They are sick from drinking water from plastic bottles that contain BPA and BPS among other things. They are sick because they wear aluminum laden deodorant and fill their homes with carcinogenic fumes from crap like Febreeze. Because they clean with toxic chemicals and fill their clothing with chemicals from detergents. They are sick because they are stressed and anxious. They are sick because of the way they were born. A csection rate of 34%!!!! Csections do not allow for proper colonization of gut bacteria, bacteria that enter the fetus via the birth canal. If nothing is done to correct gut flora, problems will arise! They are sick because they do not consume any fermented foods, and because they never detox. They are sick due to lack of sleep. Even the fluorescent light bulbs are toxic!

The problem is not meat. It is the overall lifestyle, from the quality of food including meat, to toxic products, to the birth and childhood experiences. The solution is not as simple as eliminating meat from your diet.

By the way, I am not in any way saying that being vegetarian or vegan is wrong. If it makes you feel healthy and energized, go for it. But it is not the best thing for everyone. There are many people who have experienced sickness while being vegetarian and feel much better eating a grain free meat heavy diet such as the paleo diet. there are many people who fall in between and feel better with mostly vegetables and some meat, such as myself. I think a good idea is to look at your ancestors. Is your family from an area where vegetables are the main source of food, but meat is used sometimes (like mine.) or are they from an area where meat was very important, such as the cold regions in Canada, Scandinavia, etc?

One way of eating is not the right way for everyone. This is true for any "diet" whether it's the Standard American Diet, the Weston A Price way of eating, or vegetarianism.

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1

updated by @soaring-eagle: 07/13/15 06:12:40PM
11 years ago
96 posts

I'm sorry, but you are being downright INSULTING. You say to keep this topic respectful, then you disrespect other people by saying we are making things up? Yet you have never provided a source for any of your claims. Eat the diet that makes you feel healthiest. that's it! The fact is that yes, we ate meat before fire, yes we can hunt without weapons and without biting and clawing, yes many cultures around the world have eaten raw meat for thousands of years and YES we are smarter because we started eating meat. The scientists and archaeologists are not basing that idea on a few bones with scratches. Analyzation of markings is an entire field that requires in depth education. I'm sorry, but what specialization do you have to tell them that their years of in depth analysis are incorrect?

and your point about India is not relevant. They eat that because they have no other option due to overpopulation and starvation.

11 years ago
96 posts

just eat a diet of organic naturally raised foods. if meat makes you ill, of course don't eat it. but don't force your diet on others.

11 years ago
6 posts

I've a vegan.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,640 posts

whos forcing im just telling you what a natural human diet is its a fact but you can eat garbage you can eat dirt you can eat dead rotten things but its not fgood for you and its not part of a natural human diet

JustSomeChick said:

just eat a diet of organic naturally raised foods. if meat makes you ill, of course don't eat it. but don't force your diet on others.

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,640 posts

no i said they make things up not you you just bel;iebve made up things its called pr pr firms comision bogus studies all the time and pas thenm off as scieb=nce

the meat industry pays a pr foirm to make meat look good the pr firm claims humans would die withpit meat then everyone eats meat

pr firms are paid to make eggs look healthy they commission a study that says everyone needs a dozen eggs a week or they die so lors more eggs get sold

it happens every day watch the news not a single news program ever is aired without at least 1 pr firm produced "news" story

its all false data

JustSomeChick said:

I'm sorry, but you are being downright INSULTING. You say to keep this topic respectful, then you disrespect other people by saying we are making things up? Yet you have never provided a source for any of your claims. Eat the diet that makes you feel healthiest. that's it! The fact is that yes, we ate meat before fire, yes we can hunt without weapons and without biting and clawing, yes many cultures around the world have eaten raw meat for thousands of years and YES we are smarter because we started eating meat. The scientists and archaeologists are not basing that idea on a few bones with scratches. Analyzation of markings is an entire field that requires in depth education. I'm sorry, but what specialization do you have to tell them that their years of in depth analysis are incorrect?

and your point about India is not relevant. They eat that because they have no other option due to overpopulation and starvation.

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,640 posts

same except been veg 28 or 29 years

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
11 years ago
75 posts
The human brain is mostly made out of fat. How do u think we became so smart? Our brain needs omega 3 fatty acids bc that's most of its constitution, unlike chimps n other animals their brains are made up of omega 6 fatty acids. We are the only mammals w this constitution of the brain. We got this from our ancestors eating meat! It has been proven that ppl who do not eat proper fats develop neurotic symptoms and usually have a mental illness. It s not just pr from meat companies this is nature!
11 years ago
102 posts
The whole "is it natural" is a waste of time for both parties. Humans have evolved to eat meat, it's in fact a very important part of our evolution and the teeth are a dead giveaway.But natural does not equal ethical. Rape is natural. Infanticide is natural.You do not need meat for optimal health. You need sufficient omega-3 fatty acids, and you can get those with vegetarian supplementation. Same with B-12 (which is the one that causes neurological issues, and will kill you quite rapidly if you don't get enough). Virtually all meat does not contain sufficient omega-3 fatty acids. That's because all the livestock is fed a grain based diet. They have the same fatty acid profile as grain because of this. Which is very unhealthy, by the way.And being a vegetarian has not given me any mental illnesses that I know of. Unless... Say, is being an ethical person a mental illness? It does seem to be so in today's western society. Genocide, rape and murder are far healthier pastimes.You could buy a frigging chicken, grow your own insects, feed the chicken these insects and you will get eggs with a very healthy nutritional profile and the omega-3 fatty acids AND vitamin B-12. Problem solved. And you'll even have a cute pet! Seriously have you ever seen chicks? They are sooooo cuuuuuteeee. And the sounds they make, you'll literally melt. By the way, they kill trillions of these things every day because you want eggs and chicken on your plate.It's not an issue of health because there's ways around that. It's an issue of comfort. People who eat meat find their comfort to be more important then the welfare of an innocent animal.And killing plants is a completely different story. When's the last time you heard a tree shout "ouch"? Plants have no brains, plants have no CNS, they can't feel. Plants don't feel bad when grown overcrowded, they simply grow slower or die. You can't torture a plant. Once we have sentient plants we'll add those to the "don't eat if you are an ethical person"-list, but for now we can safely stick to animals. Same thing with bugs. Ok, bugs do feel and waddle around and feel pain and such, but they aren't exactly capable of compassion or feeling sad (atleast not most of them, just pick a frigging species that isn't) when one of them gets killed. If you aren't torturing them to death (like what is happening with farm animals, where they chop their legs off or boil them alive) then chances are you aren't doing something evil.And there's no problem with feeding pets a vegetarian diet. Else, you know, choose a pet that doesn't eat meat? Bunnies are cute and cuddly, and pretty damn manly if you ask me (and the vikings!).I have dogs and they all prefer vegetables and fruit. Weird things. Wouldn't have believed it if some vegetarian type told me, but they really do exist.If being a vegetarian makes you feel bad, you have a shitty diet. If you lose too much weight, you have a shitty diet. If you get brain damage, you should've gotten B-12 supplementation. Throwing meat in there does not make the diet unshitty, but the extra calories make you feel better and stop the whole weight loss thing rather effectively.In general, however, depending on how you see "healthy", a diet without animal products pretty much trumps any diet with meats. Fish contain toxins, meats have unhealthy fatty acid profiles (and toxins). That's the thing with animals, they are ingenious little devices that take all the toxins out of their food and store it in their tissues. The lower down the foodchain you go, the less toxins you will have in your food. Plants are pretty much the lowest possible on the foodchain that humans can consume, so it's the healthiest choice to base a diet on.There's plenty of studies done and all of them showed that the average vegetarian was healthier then the average meat eater. And this is a group that always had a bunch of anemics in there.
11 years ago
102 posts
@Enecra OelIf that is true, then they were not only alot smarter then us, but also alot more violent and horny.
It might seem that they're a bunch of humans dressed up as aliens, but I find the theory that we are all descendants of Urungus' spunk to be rather solid.
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