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Dreadlocks Forums

my journey.

13 years ago
16 posts

when i first started dreading my hair, all i was thinking about was how awesome my hair would look. but now 3 months since i stopped combing my hair, i have realized it is not about getting to the destination(dreaded hair), but about the journey. at first, i didn't understand how people were so patient about their hair locking. but now i've realized why. my hair changes everyday. a new dread will start to form within hours, and others will fall apart in minutes. i feel like as my hair is forming together, i am finding out who i really am. i am growing as a person as my hair is forming together. to me, it's not even about having amazing locked hair, it's so much more than that. i never knew that do this to my hair would change who i am as a person, and the way i look at life. i love it so much, and can't wait to see where life takes me and my dreads.

updated by @kathryn: 02/14/15 04:43:23AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

did u want this in introduce yourself? or somewhere else?

but i love this post and its important to so many so i featured it

if u want it moved out of introduce yourself tell me where u want it

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
13 years ago
16 posts

oh i don't care where it is! i just didn't know what to put it under so i just left it.

but yeah, i think it's important for people to know what they are getting into, because it's not just about the hair style. it's a life style.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

well hmm we have the dreadlockssite appreciation forum i'll stick it there

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Castaway J
13 years ago
585 posts

Kathryn i have the same view and outlook on it..really great post, you just said what ive been thinking for a couple weeks lol

13 years ago
16 posts

i'm glad people know what i'm talking about. it's amazing that just ditching a comb can change who you are.

Jessy Reyes
13 years ago
10 posts

you read my mind like a book.

13 years ago
8 posts

You put into words what I have been feeling for months. Thank you.

13 years ago
182 posts

I can see that in your photos. You look radiant!

This morning I looked in the mirror thinking 'this looks gross', then realized that's my own negative stuff coming out, nothing to do with my hair (which is doing its thing just fine). In this way my dreads are a much better mirror than the one on my wardrobe door - or the one in my mind. All these little changes, like your description of dreads forming and falling apart by the hour.

13 years ago
76 posts

Rock on dreadie sista! I feel very similar to this, had I not begun my journey, I never would've picked up knitting to make tams or learned how to make peyote sleeves and I love doing both, so relaxing for me and I owe it all to my dreading journey :D

Have a peaceful day

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