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the beauty of the early messy stage of natural neglect dreadlocks

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

some sites (you know which ones) try to scare you away from going natural claiming the early stages of growing natural dreadlocks is messy and ugly and scary

well messy it can be but theres a beauty in the messiness in the organic way hair transforms from order to disorder then to beauty.

dreadlocks that are allowed to form naturally form beautifuly without effort without force they have a wild organic quality thats not easily imitated by other methods


dreads in the early stages of natural dreading have a unique beauty all their own

nature has a way of bring out the beauty in everything the harshest dessert has a beauty all its own nature has a way of letting the untamed mane become a head of dreads worth envying

as they form they form more like roots then ropes natural softer lines not harsh conformity

nature is wild full of passion a hint of danger in nature anything can happen with natural dreads they can form any way they want to creating evolving art no art is static dreads are organic dynamic free flowing ever changing ..alive they take on a life of their own

from a young age you hated combing your hair combing out knots but you believed you had to to have "nice hair" but by simpley stopping the combing you can have dreads that make you vwry happy

tree branches dont grow straight like floorboards a trees branches and roots grow organicly with twists and turns lumps and knots brancghes that strut off every which way

floorboards are shaped and forced to conform and "fit in" all the same sizes

when you take a tree and make it into a floorboard it retains the function ofwood without the life without the uniqueness and specialness it had as a tree

they say natural is the slow and messy way (these are only 3 months others in this post are only days or weeks) well it may be but it is the happy way too most who "start dreads" get frustrated very quickly and panic from day 1 (still they love the dreads usualy) but most who go natural find it a relaxinmg peaceful zenlike process of just letting go

as they mature they retain a softer more organic look

by not forcing every loose hair into place they remain like a mane free flowing organic growing ever changing ..

fully mature natural dreads keep a uniqueness that dread maintenance erases

salons try to sell you on the idea that your dreads need to be neat and tidy

but why settle for anything less then wild and beautiful?

when you dread naturaly you never know what your dreads might do next watching the evolution can be as entertaining as the best of movies as they constantly eolve and change

even the awkward messy stage of dreading naturally enhances the beauty of anyone beauty comes from within and theres something about the "ugly stage" that truly makes a beautiful spirit shine

when you grow natural dreads you have the option to add a lil control in how they form or let them truly go wild and do whatever they want to do

your dreads will truly be your own unlike anyone elses

hair can transform into dreadlocks faster then you expect sometimes a few short weeks is all it takes

you can see your hair becomming dreads without doing a thing

sometimes you can even see progress in just days! this is just 2 days in to the natural process

a few months later they transform to this

and they keep changing and eviolving

even after mature (although less drastically)

a messy mess is a beautiful thing so untamed unforced uncontrolled

so often those who are dreading naturaly proclaim they never felt so beautiful although some may see just a wild mess they radiate an inner confidence and a natural beauty

i hope this helps some of u embrace not fear the messy early stages of natural dreading it truly is a beautiful organic process every step of the way

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1

updated by @soaring-eagle: 01/22/20 09:33:16AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

man i coulda added hundreds of amazing pictures theres so many on here i hope noone feels left out

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

aww well with so many beautiful examples it was easy

i really could have gone on for hours addig more to it

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Julian Webb
13 years ago
8 posts

Im sure if anyone reads this, it will totally comfort them. It is really amazing how you explain things man.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

i was gonna add yoirs too actualy julian dunno why i didnt

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
13 years ago
19 posts

Terrific! I've had forced dreadlocks twice and I'm going all natural right now. It's been 10 days and I am already seeing progress!

baby britt
13 years ago
112 posts
=) love love love love love this
Julian Webb
13 years ago
8 posts

Oh it's all good SE, ha. Thanks for the feature by the way :)

soaring eagle said:

i was gonna add yoirs too actualy julian dunno why i didnt

Katie Kendall
13 years ago
43 posts

this was beautiful..

Patty Haynes
13 years ago
39 posts

everything is so manufactured now...Dreading is so wild and untamed, I have always seen beauty in that. I love the part about not wanting to comb your hair when you r little :) That little girls hair is so cute.

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