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before and after dreadlocks pictures comparing dreads no dreads

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts

i don't think i can find a picture of me before dreads (i looked goofy)
but thought it would be fun to compare pics of you before and after dreading.

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1

updated by @soaring-eagle: 01/13/19 11:23:00PM
14 years ago
569 posts
lol, dang it. I expected to see a picture of you!I'll post a couple pictures in 7-18 months. :PGreat thread by the way.
Ciaralynne Altiery
14 years ago
19 posts

First couple are from before last ones are after.
updated by @ciaralynne-altiery: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts
off to a great start with some great pictures :)if i had a scanner my sis might have 1 pic from like..i dunno i was maybe 17? 16? i looked goofyor wait it might have been between 1st and second set so maybe was early 20sbut i doubt i can find 1 anytime soon

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
14 years ago
844 posts
It'd be awesome to see what yours looked like maybe even a decade or so ago SE :)this was what i looked like normally maybe about 2years ago

and after a long while my locks look like this,

updated by @iain: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
Earth Rose
14 years ago
38 posts

updated by @earth-rose: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
momma has dreads
14 years ago
159 posts
Here are a few pictures of before, January 2010.....once they were done and now at 4 months old.

updated by @momma-has-dreads: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
Dready Mawma
14 years ago
7 posts
First two are me without.... (I used to be a model lol)Last one is most recent dread pic, unmaintained, festie style :)P.S. How do you guys directly post your pics?
momma has dreads
14 years ago
159 posts
Your pictures are really cute, your dreads are pretty nice too. Ok now for adding pictures like we did above...when you into the "Reply to This" .... which is where I am at now writing this, if I look just above my writing there are 6 icons, one of them is a camera icon, when you clicked on it it will open another box which allow you to add photos. You may need to have your pictures saved as jpg...yours are in a bmp format...Take a look and try it.peace Dready Mawma said:
First two are me without.... (I used to be a model lol)
Last one is most recent dread pic, unmaintained, festie style :)

P.S. How do you guys directly post your pics?

updated by @momma-has-dreads: 07/22/15 11:25:25AM
14 years ago
16 posts
My journey so far!

updated by @holypipi: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
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