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Palm rolling & wax

the Barrellady
11 years ago
1,302 posts

Hi all, today a member was on Knotty Chat and wondered why his 1 year old dreads were thinning at the roots. He only has 6 dreads and the rest of his hair is normal. Guess what...he was palm rolling and also, those 6 dreads had wax in them.

So anyone considering on wax & or palm rolling, this happened to him in one year only. Just one year!

Don't visit salons, don't listen to locticians who want to do this to you & tell you wax is needed, or tell you to maintain the dread look by palm rolling. This is what WILL happen to you. Thinning roots. Salons only want your money, they won't educate you on the future problems, they WANT your money, that's all.

If you have done this, and notice your roots are also thinning, please ask us here for help. We will get you on a healthy path....Ask for for help even if your roots are not thinning YET

peace everyone

updated by @the-barrellady: 02/14/15 03:26:33AM
Sergeant Pepper
11 years ago
2 posts

So SoaringEagle told me that palm rolling isn't a good way to go; I've only had mine for a month and I was rolling them every other day or so. I can't really see any damage but I trust this guy so I stopped. Is there any way to undo any damage I may have already done or should I be fine just stopping?

the Barrellady
11 years ago
1,302 posts

Just stop, that's it. Damage is not seen right away. It took the other member a year to see damage. Baba Fats had his break off years down the road from palm rolling in the beginning. So yep, not an instant damage can be seen, you notice it when it is too late. Nothing you can do about it now except to stop.

Check out Baba Fats video on this subject:

Sergeant Pepper said:

So SoaringEagle told me that palm rolling isn't a good way to go; I've only had mine for a month and I was rolling them every other day or so. I can't really see any damage but I trust this guy so I stopped. Is there any way to undo any damage I may have already done or should I be fine just stopping?

Hannah Noel Paquette
11 years ago
2 posts

Help! I'm am starting my dreads with the TnR method and have been palm rolling them to make them look more uniform. Why does palm rolling cause thinning at the roots?


Hannah Noel Paquette
11 years ago
2 posts

And what can I do instead? I know neglect is the best path, but my hair always gets into one big ball at the back. I need to start somewhere :)

the Barrellady
11 years ago
1,302 posts

Glad this posting helped you to accept the changes:

We all go through it, but well worth it in the end. Nice chatting with you Hannah...peace

11 years ago
3 posts

AAHHH i have that problem!

Owl Lady
10 years ago
30 posts

Oh gosh I am addicted to palm rolling. I think its because it gives me something to do instead of picking my scalp...a really bad nervous habit. Won't the dreads get flat if you don't palm roll at least a little? Could someone educate me more on this subject? I'd like to hear others testimonies and see photographs if anyone has any. Thank you

10 years ago
173 posts

I palm rolled a couple times in my begining weeks, a year in now, i regret it, i can tell that those locs are weaker. I have a couple flat dreads, but dont worry about them, just let them do there thing. If you want them to look more rounded you can try putting beads on them. :) Good luck and blessings

Owl Lady said:

Oh gosh I am addicted to palm rolling. I think its because it gives me something to do instead of picking my scalp...a really bad nervous habit. Won't the dreads get flat if you don't palm roll at least a little? Could someone educate me more on this subject? I'd like to hear others testimonies and see photographs if anyone has any. Thank you

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10 years ago
29,641 posts

ive never palm rolled once in my life they get round just by sleeping

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