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hair that will not dread?

14 years ago
28 posts
Alright so I'm two months in and I did TnR on the sides and am letting the back go natural and am leaving the tnr dreads to do their thing (except I had to blunt the tips for work)Well I have this thick little section of hair that came undone and I was like whatever you can do what you want.Well that hair is just not dreading. There isn't even a single knot in it.What's up with that?
updated by @beesaav: 01/13/15 08:44:49PM
Ryan Emmel
14 years ago
85 posts
I noticed that there were some "no dread zones" on my head for quite a while as well. They were on the sides of my head and the back near the neck, and I suspected that it was something to do with the way I was sleeping, or the way oil flows off my scalp. Nasty, right?In the end, it turned out that I'd sectioned the hair in such a way that was counter to the way my hair "wanted" to be. Eventually the tangles in that area fell out, regrouped, and tightened. Of course I helped them along. I like to fiddle.
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts
huh u had to blunt the ends for work? that makes no sense

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
14 years ago
28 posts
Yeah it was pretty much an image thing. I work with small children
14 years ago
849 posts
what's up with it is that you're only 2 months in! Some people don't have any progress yet at 2 months! I would just leave it alone and let it knot up in it's own time. I guess you could T & R it again but it would probably fall apart again and it's really better not to continually T & R the same hair.
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