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we all shaved or started over dreadheadhq/knottyboy dreads the right way, wonder why?

Kao Ganavi
14 years ago
12 posts
I thought crochet was natural also? Haha. Oops. I'm new to dreads, my fault
updated by @kao-ganavi: 07/17/15 06:10:50PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,640 posts
nah very unatural natural means the dreads happen all on theyre own they are not made u just let them happen

Kao Ganavi said:
I thought crochet was natural also? Haha. Oops. I'm new to dreads, my fault

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Ryan Mahon
13 years ago
3 posts

I am really glad I found this site and this thread, Ive been trying to decide for three months now how to go about getting my locks done and i was 'this close' to getting them done at a salon with the wax n everything ( and a sizeable chunk outta my wallet), ive been growing myhair out now fer a while and have never EVER liked using wax not even when i had short hair and i was very skeptical of the use of wax in dreads as it always makes things stick which to me didnt make sense fer the locking proccess,so i have been very lucky to find this and have some confrimation about my feelings, just putting stuff in yer hair in GENERAL is icky, witht the exception of colour dyes those are good and useful but yeah after all this im gonnajust get them done through a good ole fashioned dread party and twist and rip, backcombing just sounds like itd look too ridiculous ;)


13 years ago
6 posts

SO. I just joined this site, after reading all of the posts I was like most of you and I'm about 1 month away from Buying a Dread kit from DHHQ and or KB, but after reading this thread , I'm deffinently reconcidering, Thank you all so Much for being honest. So I'm about a month maybe 2 months away from starting Dreads By going the Natural way, should I section off my hair like you would Normally (before backcombing)then just wash with DR bonners every 2-4 days while my hair is sectioned. with out backcombing or and palm rolling. ?My hair is naturally thick and slightly wavy, I've noticed when I'm at the beach the salt water starts to knot up my hair alomost instantly,

I appreciate the feedback, Thanks in Advance


☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,640 posts
no need it sections itself this is better so u dont forse sections then have them later decide they want to be 42 dreads not 1 let them section themselves just sepertate any that try to join togerther or section too big

u may need to seperate often if it dreads that fast

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
13 years ago
9 posts

i bought into the paranoia and propaganda. started it short as i could. the wax started giving me panic attacks. must have hit some claustrophobia nerve or something. when you're covered in wax everything feels like wax and so on...

i quickly ditched the wax and once the new growth came in enough i cut off the offending tips. no all i do is wash ald let them do their thing. i would have started over but i have issues with followthrough in my life and it would have defeated a bigpart of the purpose of my dreading to begin with. if evetr i dread a second time i will go the organic route. but i need to grow as a person first and complete my journey.

13 years ago
6 posts
ok thanks I'll give it a try, might start sooner thanhad origianlly planed, I was just thinking of someway to keep it managable for the work place, I just ordered a niceDread Tam, if need be
13 years ago
3 posts
My first locs were Knotty Boy ones....well, it was my first time?
I just didn't know :'(
I really dislike how they make it seem like it's nearly impossible to get locs without their products!
Such a stupid idea to plant in peoples's all for the money, what a terrible thing to "use" locs for :/
I have the greatest respect for everyone who has locs from the neglect method, I chose backcombing (but obviously with no products) and feel content with them, but the pure strong will that those with neglect locs have is groovy :')
Maybe one day we'll see a future where these "insta locs" sites dwindle and die...much like the poor dreads made with their horrible products :'(
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,640 posts
they are dwindling and dying thanks to the awarenerss we spread here

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Patricia Fox
13 years ago
42 posts

I used the Knotty Boy dread kit and had my stylist do my dreads for me. They seemed to do really well. However, the bottom two to three inches of some of my dreads would never dread. I would back comb back comb back comb and still nothing.

I then heard about the dangers of wax. I have been natural since.

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