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dreadlocks shampoo
Dreadlocks Forums

how much do dreadlocks cost? the answer may surprise you

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

the question how much does it cost to get dreadlocks gets asked alot, well theres more then one answer to this and all the answers might surprise those who would ask this question.

most people with dreadlocks would answer..nothing..not a cent

and this is the most correct answer

but not the only one

there are 3 schools of thought when it comes to dreadlocks, or locs as some prefer to call them.

there are those who prefer to grow dreads naturally, or start them themselves using simple to learn starter methods like twist and rip or backcombing, these people buy a decent dread soap..and thats it..a few bucks every couple months..not much diferent from what they spent pre-dread for shampoo.

then there are the kit victims that fall for the instant dread lies.. they generaly spend about 100 dollars on useless and harmful products that they are lead to believe are "needed" to dread. about 90% of them realize the products arent worthwhile in the 1st several weeks to a couple months, and these kits occupy a special place collecting dust in the bottom of a closet..a reminder to never touch that stuff again.. about 1/2 of these end up starting over .

the 3rd school of thought is kind of ironic they believe if its expensive it must be superior they generaly look down on natural dreads calling them nasty and saying they dont look clean..the reason its ironic is cause this group will not wash the hair at all for the 1st year and then only when they make a salon apointment to have it washed and re-tightened.

this group spends an outrageous amount on their hair. typicaly 500-800 to start, then 50-150 every 2 weeks to every 2-3 months..

not only do they rarely wash the hair themselves but they believe profesionaly maintained means healthier but the oposites true and very agressive and harmful methods maintenances and products are used..

the pricetag over just a few years can rise to 10-20 thousand dollars, only to have severely damaged dreads. in some cases other problems arise from the use of such harmful methods, like hair loss, in the form of traction alopecia in some cases requiring transplants. and in other cases the harsh chenmicals, or the use of waxes cause medical issues requiring medical intervention as well. this can add an additional 5- 15 thousand dollars on to the already high cost.

if you paid to dread how much did you pay to start

how much did you pay to maintain

how often

for how long

what made you stop

what problems did you face

if you dreaded for free

how was your experience

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1

updated by @soaring-eagle: 02/14/15 10:22:06AM
Shane Northern
11 years ago
59 posts

Free has been great so far. Not only are my dreads healthy, but I get to watch them change almost daily. It's a journey...that's for sure. Wouldn't have it any other way. :)

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

free and easy just let it be

days weeks months and years

just take it easy let it go let it grow let it show ..

not that it is free but that you are free

cry freedom with your dreadlocks cry freedom with your soul

let them grow from within you and not be store bought

dreadlocks should be more personal then that

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Shane Northern
11 years ago
59 posts

Exactly much deeper than hair, than a look. A whole life changing experience that's absolutely 100% free. You can't learn these things in a salon, you can't learn to let go and live if you're covered in wax, trying to control what happens. I gotta cut this short or I'll go on forever lol.

Bob Ngarly
11 years ago
161 posts

Lets see things i have bought to start my dreads...

a plastic comb at one point. $.25

some rubber bands $.50

I bought some aloe vera that i never use. 8$

I tried some different gels while i was still trying to twist them. $1

and Ive purchased a few boxes of baking soda $5

and ive bought apple cider vinegar once. $4

I also bought a tam i never wear because it fits so poorly. $18

All in all ive spent about $40 bucks mostly all spent while i was trying different methods and determining which one i thought would be right for me. now, almost 4 months in i would say that i hardly spend more than $5 a month keeping them clean.

and i love it cuz its so damn cheap!!!



danielle pascale
11 years ago
6 posts
Well, i did by a kit from dreadheadhq, one of the cheaper ones that cost ... Let's say about $60 (i dont remember exactly) then i realized, after using the wax 2 times, that i hate it so stopped using that & the lock pepper. I do use the organic dread shampoo( $14) from them & sometimes the spray($10) but im looking for advise on the best dread soap so i can stop giving dhhq my $!. I have a huge aloe vera plant so i plan to start using that to moisturize ($0) . So from now on, the only thing i need to spend money on is a good dread soap... A lot less $ than before dreadlocks!
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

dont ever palm roll is the best shampoo they make wax b gone too you need to remove the wax dont use the butter either you dont want to moisrturize at all for 1st year

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

we have a dread kit recovery section as well asw a dreadheadhq/knottyboy victims group

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
danielle pascale
11 years ago
6 posts
Thank you for the advise- ive been doing this all on my own for the past year with only the (mis)information i get on the internet. I get why the butter & shampoo is harmful, but can u tell me why i shouldnt palm roll? Also, i feel like my hair
danielle pascale
11 years ago
6 posts
Is brittle. Could that be because of the shampoo?
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