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Should I take out my current dreads (backcombed) to let my hair knot naturaly?

Ashley Broadway
13 years ago
3 posts

I'll start of by saying Hello; I'm new here.

I've had my dreads for nearly 4 months now, I started with backcombing and have waxed once a week since with the exception of two occasions where I didn't do it for two weeks as I dislike the feel of wax.

I've decided to stop waxing (or at least as regually) but I've encountered some small problems:

1.I have a few dreads that stick up.

2. there are holes at my roots (about 2-3cm in diamator) on some of my dreads.

If I was to stop waxing/maintaning my dreads would I eventually have the same effect as natural dreads?

As I said I hate the feeling of waxed dreads and would hate to have them looking factory made whitch would be the best option; Take out my dreads, throughly wash then leave to naturally knot back up or Leave how they are and just avoid wax?

Photos available.

Thank you in advance

Blessed be - Ashley-

updated by @ashley-broadway: 01/13/15 09:13:24PM
Frank Schuster
13 years ago
95 posts

Hey Ashley!

Just to stop waxing any more is not enough, the wax must be removed out of your hair.

With wax still remaining, your hair is not able to dread proper. Use the search function, there are

plenty of advices how to recover from wax.

Good luck!

Castaway J
13 years ago
585 posts

ok well the wax is doing the exact opposite of what you want it to do. its more for the "dready style" than anything as it simply glues the hairs together and doesnt allow them to move around and get knotty like dreads should.

so yourregardlessyou want to completely remove all of the wax from your hair. you dont like the feel, and if it ever gets moldy, which wax runs a higher chance of than any other method, your really going to hate it.

get the gunk out n go natural :)

if not then do twist n rip, its the nextpreferredmethod.

Ashley Broadway
13 years ago
3 posts

After a lot of consideration I think I will take my dreads out this weekend and let them reform over time. Thank you for the replys and happy dreading!

Blessed be - Ashley-

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

irf yu waxed weekly for 4 months u can try removing wax for the next year and never be sure u got it all out i would start over absilulutely

but if you dont want to then start doing wax removal do i6t agressibvly and repeatedly over and over and over even long adfter u think its gonbe cause very likely it will never be gone completely

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

i moved this to the wax recovery section

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Ashley Broadway
13 years ago
3 posts

soaring eagle said:

i moved this to the wax recovery section

Thank you, I've already removed two at the back and it's amazing how quickly it fell apart, with a little aggression it shows how crap knottyboy products are; I'll stick to the soap bar then move on to Dr.Bronners once it's ran out.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

4 months and no dreading huh just glued together in wax

this is why i work so hard to get our site found b4 ppl fall into the wax trap

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Lisa Brebner
13 years ago
6 posts
Thank you for your hard work. I used kb products wax etc and even though I we t through the removal I still feel tiny bits here and there. I am liking the natural method somuch more. I learn a lot here.

soaring eagle said:

4 months and no dreading huh just glued together in wax

this is why i work so hard to get our site found b4 ppl fall into the wax trap

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

well even tghe best wax remnoval isnt totaly effectivew once its in there may be no way to get it all out without starting over thats why i rewcomend starting over if tyour under a month in..but otherwise just get out as much as u can and hope for the best

Lisa Brebner said:

Thank you for your hard work. I used kb products wax etc and even though I we t through the removal I still feel tiny bits here and there. I am liking the natural method somuch more. I learn a lot here.

soaring eagle said:

4 months and no dreading huh just glued together in wax

this is why i work so hard to get our site found b4 ppl fall into the wax trap

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
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