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dreadlocks shampoo
Dreadlocks Forums

Non-residue Shampoo

14 years ago
19 posts
What brands do you guys use? I want to be able to wash my dreads in the shower, soaking them is a pain in the butt. I'm not sure what to look for to make sure it's non-residue. Help, please?Thanks! :)
updated by @shawnee: 02/14/15 09:16:23AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts
dr bronners diluted or baking soda mixtats all ive ever used

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Lonnie Berg
14 years ago
219 posts
Dr. B's great for hair and body, it's residue free and earth friendly. Perfect all round soap. Wash your dishes, clean your floors, do your laundry....cucarocha!
14 years ago
4 posts
I use Abeni's Shampoo bar. I find it better than shampoo because I can slide it up and down my dreads.
14 years ago
19 posts
Thanks everyone! I've only washed once so far. It's been 3 days. I used the baking soda mix, it just sucks kneeling over a bucket for 20 minutes. I will definitely try the Dr. Bronner's. Thanks everyone! :)
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts
do it in aq shower

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
14 years ago
29 posts
I just bought some Erbal essences So i'll be using that and see how that works lol
hannah bebont
14 years ago
7 posts
dreadhead hq.. it makes my hair spongy and funny
14 years ago
19 posts
Yes, Rama, you're right. I actually left a comment for him about it on his page. It has all kinds of stuff in it that makes your hair shiny and sleek. Like animal fat... gross! :( I used to use it too. Hello Hydration and Long Term Relationship (for long hair). And it made my hair look nice but not good for dreads! I recently gave all my shampoo, brushes, blow dryer and straightener to my boyfriend's mom. LOL.
14 years ago
212 posts
i hate to say it, but DreadHeadHQ's shampoo
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