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Dreadlocks Forums

First new dreads wash with bs/acv - not good at all.

the Barrellady
11 years ago
1,302 posts

1 capful = 1 teaspoon, not tablespoon

updated by @the-barrellady: 07/28/15 03:25:26PM
11 years ago
95 posts

yeah... Don't call yourself stupid :) The ratios were off and your scalp has to adjust a bit... I bet the stuff on your scalp was actually old residue from shampoos and conditioner than from the BS/ACV... change the ratios and try it a few more times before you give up on it :) Take care

11 years ago
106 posts

So is my cap about one teaspoon? cause i have nothing to measure a teaspoon

the Barrellady said:

1 capful = 1 teaspoon, not tablespoon

Angel Frye
11 years ago
409 posts

Teddyjo, a teaspoon is the smaller spoon you'd use in your kitchen and at the dinner table. Like the kind you'd eat cereal with... unless you have a big assed mouth like all three of the guys in my house and who like eating with TABLEspoons instead of the smaller teaspoons. I always remember it like this, "I stir my tea with a teaspoon." Hope that helps.

And you should hear some of the stupid stuff I did when I first started my locks. Oy vey... honey, we all get confused. It's a completely different way of taking care of your hair. Patience. It's a bit radical. Thankfully, you have a very supportive community here.

11 years ago
300 posts

i love the description of the teaspoon/tablespoon lol.

Angel Frye said:

Teddyjo, a teaspoon is the smaller spoon you'd use in your kitchen and at the dinner table. Like the kind you'd eat cereal with... unless you have a big assed mouth like all three of the guys in my house and who like eating with TABLEspoons instead of the smaller teaspoons. I always remember it like this, "I stir my tea with a teaspoon." Hope that helps.

And you should hear some of the stupid stuff I did when I first started my locks. Oy vey... honey, we all get confused. It's a completely different way of taking care of your hair. Patience. It's a bit radical. Thankfully, you have a very supportive community here.

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