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dreadlocks shampoo
Dreadlocks Forums


Sara Gray
11 years ago
27 posts

Hey, ok so Im a little OCD and analytical but I'm trying not to be such a perfectionist. Especially when it comes to my new baby dreads. I had them back combed no products.Im just curious if I can go ahead and wash them its been 4 days and im ready too. the salon said not to but we all know how much they know. Can someone give me some expert advice. Also they are starting to loosen and im afraid they are going to come out...not all of them just the big ones in the back. and I have a lot of fly aways...thanks :)

updated by @sara-gray: 02/14/15 09:43:11AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

wash em ignore the salobn if they come out its ok mthey never had to be put in to begin with fly aways and loposeness is great it means the salon sidnt screw yu ou totaly

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Sara Gray
11 years ago
27 posts i dont want them to come out. I dont think they will they are just getting a little looser since i got them done some days ago. thanks for the advice i read some of your comments before i signed up and you seem to know what you are talking about!! should i ware a cap or just leave them down when i wash? should i palm roll them like she said or does that loosen them?

Laura Earle
11 years ago
233 posts

Unfortunately...they're probably gonna "unravel" a bit. =/ Anyone here will tell you that dreading requires *tons* of commitment and patience. They get frizzy and knotty before they get dready. It's annoying at first, but if you rrrrealllly want them, they're absolutelypositively worth the wait. :)

Sara Gray
11 years ago
27 posts

oh thats with out a doubt, its amazing the liberation i feel just in the past few days of getting them...i have even quit wearing makeup and feel totally awesome all natural for once. Thanks for the advice:) I guess ill just have to "knot" worry about it lol...thanks again

11 years ago
359 posts

The salon probably didn't tell you, but they are going to come apart pretty much, and they should, that is the only way they will actually dread, backcombing is not dreads, there are no knots yet, it is just pushed back hair, it will knot, it just takes time, you will get alot of loose hair, you will have to accept it, or you will have a really tough time, and it cannot be controlled without damaging your hair, backcombing is pretty brutal anyway. I would recommend getting 'lockin up' liquid shampoo, it is excellent and helps the best and safest way. You don't need to do anything else except wash them and keep the sections separate from each other.

peace and blessings and enjoy the chaos, it is worth it, much love.

Sara Gray
11 years ago
27 posts

Thanks so much Tim, you all are so nice its awesome! Thank you for all the help you have really eased my mind, thanks:)

11 years ago
10 posts

My best advice would be to go as long as you can before washing your hair. When you do wash use a soap with no moisturizing properties. Think irish spring dry if you have ever used that stuff. Wearing a tam in the beginning stages will help a lot with the fly aways especially if you dont want to use any bees wax. it may seem daunting now but once they havetaken root you wont really have to do anything. Good luck.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

you aqbsolutely do not want to use wax ever but i wouldnt use irish spring or any hand soap

take a bath not shower..bath with ois\rish spring every day for a month without cleaning the tub see that soap scum? thats stuck in yoir dreads just like wax

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

and why would u recomend not washing or waiting to wash when washing is the 1 thing that helps dreads rdread the most

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