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Herbs, Natural Remedies Useful to Dreads & Dreadcare

15 years ago
141 posts

Herbal List For Hair/Dreadlock "Hair"eapys(as requested by Soaring Eagle to help all you's dreadheads)Originally I was going to get quite in depth but after some time spent and realizing howmany herbs are of great medicinal and theraputic benefit I decided to limit this list tocontain only the most popular or more widely mentioned herbs. I will add more as I see fit ;)You may also find this list, and any other remedies and recipes I come up with on my dreadblog This is for educational purposes only - I am not a doctor and recommend that you use herbsat your own risk taking full responsibility. If you are unsure of any part of it, for anyreason including but not limited to your health or certain medical conditions, age or futherI suggest you consult with your local natural healer, herbalist, naturapath, holistic MD orthe like.You can use the following herbs in tea's, infused apple cider vinegar rinses, essences, ortinctures. The method is entirely up to you, but this guide should help point you in theright direction to get you started.There are many herbs that can be beneficial to the scalp or hair. The following might bethe most recognized or easier to obtain herbs. The descriptions only contain the medicinal,theraputic uses of the following herbs specifically in relation to skin and hair.Lavendar: Labiatae herb family-lavendar has found a multitude of uses as a natural treatment for many maladies.It's use for medicinal purposes dates back centuries, as far back as the 1700s in Europeand even further back in China. Has disinfecting properties, can soothe pain (bad dandruffor possibly dreadache related pains), can minimize scarring, stimulate tissue repair (damaged scalp)and calm/soothe the mind, body, and skin.Rosemary: Labiatae herb family- toning and astrigent effects on the skin, stimulates hair folliclesand promotes hair growth, has reported to slow down or even hold off premature hair loss and greyinghair. Can soothe and condition dry flakey scalps (dandruff dreads) Especially potent for bad scalpconditions like severe dandruff with dreads when combined with other herbs like, chamomile, basil,tea tree oil, and Nettles. It can help darken grey hair or aide in dying hair darker over time (althoughthis is not usually obvious until after much time has passed). Stimulates roots and scalp. Manyswear by its use to stimulate longer healthier hair growth. Can help condition hair/dreads and eliminatesome dryness. Very Very useful for dandruff by itself as a hair tea or even stronger in combination withother dandruff fighting herbs and rinses.Chamomile: daisy/Asteraceae family- calming and great use for skin problems and skin irritations,inflamations. Makesan excellent tonic, rinse, for hair. Helps bring out hair's natural highlights. Great for naturallylightening hair especially when used in combination with lemon and drying hair/dreads in sunlightor exposing hair and dreads to sunlight often. Can help combat dandruff (especially when used withother known dandruff kicking herbs). Also aids in wound healing (in cases of minor scalp sores)*Chamomile contains coumarin, a naturally-occurring compound with anticoagulant or blood-thinning effects.Fennel: family Apiaceae - many medicinal uses, as for the hair is an excellent natural hair conditionerleaving no residue for your dry thirsty dreads. Not a detangler by itself- so not to worry, those knotsshouldnt fall out. (I havent experienced or read any negative reports when used by dreadheads) I use itas an infused rinse nearly every wash with my dreads as they are damaged severely and dry. This rinsemakes a huge difference in them, rendering them less brittle and softer instead of straw like.Highly recommend to quench dry dreadies.Sage: Labiatae family- Sage is a very aromatic herb with many health properties. relieves, treats dandruff,and especially beneficial when combined with lavendar (and even lice can be eliminated by using both together),can be more potent in combatting dandruff when combined with rosemary and other herbs useful in healing thescalp. Very useful in treating skin disorders.Can help promote healthy hair growth. Helpful in treating hair lossand greying hair. Antibacterial plant. Enhances darker hair and can help maintain natural color in darker hair.strengthening, rejuvenate the hair follicles, maintain the colour, and ensure the growth of thick, healthy locks.Thyme: Lamiaceae family- astringent, antiseptic, and antifungal.. used to invigorate and stimulate hair growth.It is used as a tonic for hair and to help treat dandruff and hair loss.Thyme essential oil is not really usedin skin care, but is sometimes used to treat dandruff and hair-loss. Stimulates circulation, The essential oilof thyme can help with headaches and can be used for an antiseptic hair spray... Great as a mold dread remedy concentrated hair tea for your dreads if you are having mold issues" *consult your health care provider if yousuffer from high blood pressureCorriander: Apiaceae (parsley family). antiseptic, antinflamatory, aids in healthy hair growth, effective in treating dandruff, especiallywhen combined with other dandruff healing herbs.Stinging Nettle: Urticaceae (Nettle Family), great hair tonic may help bring back the natural color of hair,use as a shampoo, conditioner (reside free) and hair rinse for dandruff, for stimulation of hair growthand prevention of hair loss, as a cleanser for oily skin *consult your pactitioner if you suffer from high blood pressureAloe: family Asphodelaceae- anti-inflamatory, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral- known for centuries for its healing properties,helps promote thick, healthy hair, acts as a natural conditioner, treats a variaty of skin issues (dandruff, psoriasis, burns,blisters, sores, surgery, some fungal issues, dry skin, sunburn, acne, frostbite, and prevents scarring) Aloe makes a great natural alternative to wax when palm rolling your dreads, taming the frizzies, helping the locking process naturally (when not over used) and without the residue of wax or other on the market products.Ylang Ylang: family (Annonaceae), antiseptic, may reduce some skin irritations, helps to keep hair and skin healthy, stimulates the scalpand helps promote hair growth. is beneficial to various skin disorders and can rejuvenate skin, heal insect bites, acne, balance thesecretion of sebum and treat over oily or over dry hair. Balances oil production when used as a hair conditioner. Naturally conditions hair/dreads.*too much of it's fragrance may cause headachesTea Tree Oil (Melaleuca): family Myrtaceae: natural antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal,very effective first aid remedy and againstcountless skin ailments, infections, cuts, scrapes, burns, insect bites and skin spots etc. is effective against nail fungus, ringworm,athlete's foot, dandruff, acne, blackheads and many types of infestations including lice, mites, scabies and mosquitoes etc... (For humans and animals alike) soothing and disinfecting, it is capable of penetrating into the lower skin layers with its anti-inflammatory,disinfectant, analgesic (pain-killing) and cicatrizant (wound-healing) qualities.Peppermint: Family Lamiaceae: astringint, anaesthetic, disinfectant, analgesic, may help headaches (dreadaches), cooling to the scalp,treats dandruff, and lice. Nourishes dull skin, improves oily skin.Basil: acts as an insect repellent, aromatic, enhances natural hair color especially when added to chamomile (lighter hair) or rosemary (darker hair)is a beneficial herb that stimulates and promotes hair growth, especially when used in combination with fenugreek or other hair promotingherbs. May help treat dandruff especially when combined with chamomile, rosemary or other dandruff healthing herbs.Fenugreek: treats dandruff, may boost hair growth and reduce hair loss, may actually make hair more curly (a plus for us dread heads trying to knot our hair!curly hair knots easier and quicker) Combats, acne, dandruff, and helps relieve dryness, may also act as a natural conditoner (reside free) for dreadsAsh Gourd: - The peel and seeds of ash gourd, boiled in coconut oil are useful in hair growth; prevent dandruff and dryness of the scalp.Dandruff Remedy Recipes:Beets and Peppermint Dandruff Remedy3 Beets4 TBS Dried Peppermint1 Cup Vinegar1 L WaterMethod:- Boil the Beets (you may cut them into small parts) and peppermint for 10 minutes- Leave for 1 hour and then filter- Add vinegar to the filtrateRosemary and Sage Dandruff Remedy2 TBS Dried Rosemary2 TBS Dried Sage1/2 Cup Apple Cider VinegarProcedure:- Boil the herbs for 10 minutes- Remove heat and leave for 2 hours- Filter (using gauze), and to the filtrate add apple vinegar- Rinse the hair using this mixture without dilution, let the scalp absorb the ingredients- Use the resultant mixture to wash your hair- Rinse your hair using waterDandruff Remedy for excessively oily dreads *for normal-dry dreads, dilute with water*4 Lemons peels (grated)4 Lemons juice4 drops Thyme oi1 L Water- Boil lemon peels for 10 minutes- Remove heat and leave for 2 hours- Filter and add lemon juice to the filtrate- Add thyme oil- Rinse the hair using the resultant mixture- Curd is very popular and effective home remedy for dandruff.Keep a small quantity of curd for fermentation for 2-3 days.Apply this curd to the scalp and hair.Dry it for 1 hour and wash it off.- Another common home remedy for dandruff is the regular use of thecombination of (lightweight natural oil for dreads, like jojoba) andginger root on the head. It will not only reduce the dandruff but alsonourishes the hair at the roots.- You can also try this simple and effective home remedy for removing dandruff.Make a paste of sandalwood oil with triple the amount of lemon juice and to apply it on the scalp.- You can also prepare a gel of aloe vera leaves. Apply this on the scalp and leave it overnight.Wash it the next morning**Apple cider vingear, and lemon also act as a great source of relief for dandruff, and a nice rinse for dreads (although use of alot of lemon can be drying to dreads/hair)Baking Soda is a great alternative to shampoos for washing dreads, and is natural, also helps disolve flakes from dandruff. If not rinsed well, and/or too much used, can cause dandruff.Vinegar & Thyme along with Lavendar or TTO are a great combination in treating molding dreads should the occasion arise (which we hope not, but just in case)

updated by @mountainwillow: 10/16/19 09:43:41PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
15 years ago
29,641 posts
oh soo good id love to see more added but wow thats awesome..the mad scientist in me wants to mix em all together and see what happens hehe1 thing ive always wondered.. at gatherings we cant use even dr bronneres anywhere near any watrer cause it biodegrades far slower in water then soili wonder however about baking sodawould that be safe in a steam safe to the water supply as well as fish and algae

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
15 years ago
844 posts
wow, great information, thank you :)
15 years ago
176 posts
I found this website that says baking soda is in nature and another one saying that people put it in their pools to lower the pH level,-Algae,-Filters,-And-More&id=1185655"> and then I found another website, well a forum of people who used baking soda to kill crabgrass.I dont know if it would harm fish or algae, but it changes the pH of the water it might.I dont know if any of this info is particularly helpful, but a big E for effort! soaringeagle said:
oh soo good id love to see more added but wow thats awesome..the mad scientist in me wants to mix em all together and see what happens hehe

1 thing ive always wondered.. at gatherings we cant use even dr bronneres anywhere near any watrer cause it biodegrades far slower in water then soil
i wonder however about baking soda
would that be safe in a steam safe to the water supply as well as fish and algae
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
15 years ago
29,641 posts
well it gives me info to use for further researchor i can just ask the water trolls at the gathering..they know theyre stuff\but thank u willow for the amazing info\

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
15 years ago
29,641 posts
teateree u gotta be careful with..lil helpsa but alot dries u out and makes it worse Knottysleeves said:
Thanks for sharing, that's a great list! The beet one sounds intriguing...

Cedarwood oil also works for me re: itchies since my scalp doesn't respond well to tea tree.

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
15 years ago
91 posts
ok i got to ask... this might be really dumb though. What to you mean by a dreadache?
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
15 years ago
29,641 posts
i assume if your dreads pull, if u have massive congos that cause pain or if u rooyt rub till they hurti find a good way to relive some headaches is ..grab all my dreads.. and pull upwards..especialy around the hairline..(no not cause the headaches are caused by weight cause sometimes im laying down and get 1 then do that to relieve it)it kinda pulls all the tention out..and might even help with sinus headaches by opening the sinuses slightly..i dunno i just know with some headaches it helpsoh but on thye subject..pepermint (be very careful 1 drops opowerful..5 overpowering)put a dri\op on the sinuses along the sides ohf nose and 1 under nose (or on chest idf chest congestion)have alotta tissues handybe very very caereful to keep it far from eyes Kellye said:
ok i got to ask... this might be really dumb though. What to you mean by a dreadache?

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Island Mamma
14 years ago
530 posts
Awesome list :)
14 years ago
4 posts
amazing post.. thank you so much..what would you recommend most for darkening your hair naturally?my dreads and loosies are all bleached out from 4 years of sun and chlorine exposure.theve held up well considering the abuse, but id like to darken them without dying them.. thanks again for sharing your knowledge with us!
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