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Hole at the root of my dread

13 years ago
283 posts
So one of the dreads near my hair line is a congo of two thin dreads, but at the base of the root I have a big gap. Looks kinda like this ----> /\ will that go away as it twists up on it's own?
updated by @aaronthelegend: 01/13/15 08:54:01PM
13 years ago
833 posts
I have a few do that. It is really weird how my roots dread, they will split then knot up then a month or so later start to split then knot, I even have a couple that completely flip over before they knot (where the top side of the dread becomes the bottom side.) I don't really know why they do it, but they do. Don't worry about them...dreads work themselves out.
13 years ago
283 posts
Yeah like a month ago it was solid. Now it's breaking apart and making that hole, I could literally interlock it without a struggle (but interlocking is bad!!).I'm just going to see what happens. Maybe it'll tighten up when my hair gets longer.

taye said:
I have a few do that. It is really weird how my roots dread, they will split then knot up then a month or so later start to split then knot, I even have a couple that completely flip over before they knot (where the top side of the dread becomes the bottom side.) I don't really know why they do it, but they do. Don't worry about them...dreads work themselves out.
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts
it should heal itself fine

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
13 years ago
283 posts
Awesome, great news. Thanks SE

soaringeagle said:
it should heal itself fine
13 years ago
849 posts
a lot of mine were like that around 4-5 months. They have all fixed themselves now, once the hair grows out a bit, I think it has more room to move around and knot up.
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