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General thoughts or Experience with Dr Bronners

4 years ago
12 posts

Hello all !! 

Dazey here.

All three times I've had locks, Ive used Dr Bronners.  Nowadays, I've been reading up on the backlash of Dr Bronners. Now i curious to hear real life experiences. Good and bad! Do i seek something else to wash my hair with? Do I continue on the path i am on now?

Most website who recommend Dr Bronners also say you need to follow up with an ACV rinse.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
4 years ago
29,641 posts

Depends on your water type and which broners

bronners especially liquid is supperfatted. in hard water it thickens to a wax like or oily buildup

the bars can tolerate slightly hard water

DO NOT DO MTHE ACV RINSE!!!! acv is an acid, put a bone in it overnight, and in the morning its disolved enough to tie the bone in aa knot

the acv rinse slowly disolves the hair everytimeits used

worse mistake i ever made


you want the liquid for young dreads. bars for mature

if your black only use the bars  no matter the stage 

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
4 years ago
12 posts
I had read that is an excellent option for hair locks.
4 years ago
233 posts
De bronners left all sorts of residue in my hair, I have very hard water. Vicki’s dreadlock shampoo is amazing in all water types. I used the activated charcoal to get the bronners out!
4 years ago
12 posts
Ooo thanks. I'll have to check that out. Never heard of Vickis
4 years ago
12 posts
.....wait Vicki's is the shampoo brand from this site? I'm so confused lol
4 years ago
233 posts
I think soaring eagle helps promote from this site but they’re not connected. Her soap is seriously the BEST! And she’s super nice awesome bonus lol!
4 years ago
12 posts
Cool cool! How is everything going with your locks now?
4 years ago
233 posts
LOVING them more than ever, so fresh and happy ❤️ It’s been soooo hot here (over 100 most days) I’ve been keeping them up a lot in the afternoons with this awesome hair band my daughter made me it fits my hairs so perfect! With big hair this is something I’ve come to really appreciate !!!! Little babie dreads are doing well as well, they usually hang out with me while the others get tucked away... lmao.

Congrats on taking charge of life- things can be so overwhelming sometimes, one moment at a time and lots of grace (good advice I received recently from a new friend!) ✌️
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
4 years ago
29,641 posts

dreadlocks shampoo by aunt vicki liquid for young dreads bars for mature dreadlocks

the clear shampoo yo0u posted.. compare the ingredients to vickis

theres a new unlisted "scratch attack" and detox

ifyou have skin issues or need deep cleaning

those you have to special request for now

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
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