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Dreadlocks Forums

Would doing this be bad?

Bode Shackelford
11 years ago
14 posts
Okay everyone so I met this girl that had some beautiful dreadlocks the other day and we where talking and stuff found out she has had dreads for seven years and all this. Well I then noticed that at the end of ever dread was braided and I asked why and she told me for Decoration. So I was thinking would it be bad if I did that? Would it be harmful like stop the dreading process or anything? Please let me know!
updated by @bode-shackelford: 01/13/15 09:59:03PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

it should be ok the ends wont dread so good tho and if they do they will look braidy awhile

but if u wanted to keep the ends loose and re-braid them every so often it shouldnt really harm the rest of the dread

(if thats what your getting at)

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Bode Shackelford
11 years ago
14 posts
Yes thank you :) I'm gonna do it I'm gonna keep the ends of them loose and braid them! Thank you
6 years ago
3 posts
I have 3 sections that I braided all the way to the scalp when I first dreaded (a year ago) and this is what happened.

As it grew the hair at the scalp wasn't braided (obviously) and it dreaded itself up naturally.
One of my braids in particular unbraided itself halfway down as the hair grew out, and it's now a nice tight tubular dread. It does have a bow like appearance where the knotted hair meets the braid. But I personally think it's cute.
20180122_125946.jpg  •  1.6MB

6 years ago
3 posts
Here is the one that unbraided halfway
20180122_130822.jpg  •  1.5MB

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