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my dealings with the police..I just want to be free. read please

Circle Dancer
12 years ago
121 posts

A lot of people are scared of salvia and out of every drug I know of, more people have told me they have had terrible experiences with it (really terrifying trips).

But I've done it probably 5-6 times and never had a scary experience. It's beyond strange though and not very enjoyable... there isn't a high like with LSD or pot... just very strange feelings and very strange events that occur while in this other realm it takes you to. One time I was transported onto this farm where there was a family and everything was made of leaves. The people, the house, the ground, etc.

Another time, nothing physically changed. I was sitting in my bedroom and thinking that it didn't work for some reason. So I start talking to the other people in the room about how it didn't work...except there were no other people in the room (this didn't seem odd to me at the time). Then another me, dressed differently and with shorter hair comes into the room and starts yelling at me that I "need to go cook dinner NOW"

I was like FINE! All right! (still wondering why I wasn't tripping yet, lol)

It's very odd stuff.

updated by @circle-dancer: 07/10/15 09:44:23PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,640 posts

whats worse is ther other 1 i mentioned (never mentioning it again dont wantto give anyone ideas) after u eat a few seeds you dont remember eating them.. and the strengtyh can vary so widely that 3 seeds might put u in a coma or kill you or 3000 might do nothing at all

so u can eat a few not know u ate any eat more and die..or if your lucky you are thrust into a hellish world with 50 foot tall people and not remember taking anything to get there

it literaly takes 8 people to hold u down and keep you alive

you get so dehydrated your lips bleep

and literaly you might decide to fight a train swim in trafic or walk right off a cliff not even knowing its there

then if you survi9ve the coma (this happened to 1 kid on another site) you might spend days or weeks trying to relearn to comunicate this jkid posted long long long gibberish discussions for 2 weeks you could tell there was a pattern that should translate to words but it was like

"gurb slib spe espr unsd glub este unde unde glub sis lilo whoma whump else wolump wump" and thousands of words like that

then when he finaly was able to comunicate after his aunt had a 50,000 dolar hospitol bill and he nearly dieds he goes on telling other 13-15 year old kids "its not too bad i like it you should try it just be sure to eat alot so you dont waste it"

he didnt remember the hospitol..nearly dying or abnything

in fact my ex was fed some once ..she handled it better then abyone i ever heaerd of..but has been in a mental hospitol ever since

dont mess with deleriants!

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,640 posts

i am going to close this though its dominated the front page too long and it should have been opened in a group..not the forums

if you think it needs more replies please reopen in a group and i'll add a link to its new location

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
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