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taking the loooong road.

12 years ago
170 posts
Wow, truly inspiring. The whole discussion.
updated by @naturaldreads01: 07/10/15 04:18:24AM
Hans Miniar Jónsson
12 years ago
74 posts

I have wanted to do just that for a very long time, but it's something I can not do.
I have responsibility to my daughter, to my furry children, to my husband, to myself, that I can not walk away from.
So I am here.

Castaway J
12 years ago
585 posts

dude ryan thats inspiring enough what you just said. i went hiking for a month in may fell in love and have been dreaming about it ever since. ill pick that book up too, wrote it down.

Ryan said:

I've picked up and just left. At age 17 I just left everything and moved to Florida because I wanted to surf. Even now I'll take off for a week and just take the kayak out and follow a river to wherever and hitchhike back. My ultimate goal is to live on the small rivers and tributaries in my kayak and just cruise the country until I die. I rarely take a lot of money with me, just a good knife, a tarp, some 550 cord, a pot, a cup, and a severe case of wanderlust.

One day I'm sure I'll just fade in to the mist and disappear. Just read "The Road" by Jack London and you'll probably leave as soon as you finish.

Castaway J
12 years ago
585 posts

i know hans, i was about a hairs width away from walknig that path myself. but still a path i would love to take, i dont think theres enough time in this life though. inless ive seen the world before 40...haha

Hans Miniar Jnsson said:

I have wanted to do just that for a very long time, but it's something I can not do.
I have responsibility to my daughter, to my furry children, to my husband, to myself, that I can not walk away from.
So I am here.

Castaway J
12 years ago
585 posts

we should link up then, ive met a lot of people who do it and wouldnt have it any other way.

Jeffrey Matos said:

Wow, its great hearing people talk about their travels. I thought I was the only one wanting to travel the world on foot or hitch hiking. My friends just laugh when I tell them that I'm going on a epic journey but its ok they will never know what it means to have a free spirit. Before my time is done on this beautiful Earth, I will travel the world.

12 years ago
19 posts

I honestly have a severe case of wanderlust. Thankfully with my job I only work two weeks a month so it gives me the time to satisfy that need to escape. Plus it lets me save to fund my complete off grid self sustaining existence dream. I figure in ten years when I'm 40 I'll have everything I need to do it. It's never too late to chase a dream and make it a reality.

Castaway J
12 years ago
585 posts

got that right. my latest recurring wanderlust atm is that which i have for India. the appeal is great and is top of the list. if i can get over there next year that would be great. as of right now though everything is up in the air. continuing saving though is all i can do so when the time comes im ready for what my heart desires :)

Ryan said:

I honestly have a severe case of wanderlust. Thankfully with my job I only work two weeks a month so it gives me the time to satisfy that need to escape. Plus it lets me save to fund my complete off grid self sustaining existence dream. I figure in ten years when I'm 40 I'll have everything I need to do it. It's never too late to chase a dream and make it a reality.

12 years ago
6 posts

Yes! I am quite happy to see this discussion.

I am like SE in the sense I haven't sold everything, being in part I do not have that much worth selling. It was near last April I quit my 2 jobs that allowed me to just get by. I used the money I had to get a train ticket across my country to pick fruit in BC. What I thought may have been a 3 month adventure lasted just short of 6 months. Ended with a whole new perspective, and a plane ticket to Australia, needless to say I will likely wander about for the next while as long as circumstances allow.

Liz, I would love to get some insight on Hitchhiking in Australia.

Castaway- If you make it to India, let me know. That is one place I hope to find myself soon (Believe I mentioned this at one point)

Ryan major thanks on the book recomendation- I was hoping to get a good read soon.

12 years ago
518 posts
I'm hopefully going to India in 2014 for 4 to 6 weeks. I'm hoping to hike into Bhutan and Tibet as well.
Jose Cooper
11 years ago
4 posts

i know what your saying i just want to leave this system and way of life its not doing anything good i am under the influence that the reason why there is so much sickness, mental heathl problems and out popluation getting fatter is cause we are away from our natural enviroment.i have been debating weather to go or not for aleast 3 years now but i have been doing somreasearch and truth is that a human cannot go out into the wild on there own or they will go insane.we are social creature and need another creature with us so having another person with you could help. and all the books and decumantriei have watched about people going to the wild and dyeing is so sad cause i would like to live in the wild but if you go as a group and fourm a commune but a tribe that migrates would be a greater chance of living. good luck

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