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dreadlocks shampoo
Casey Jernigan


Location: Suffolk, VA
Zipcode: 23435
Country: US

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☮ soaring eagle ॐ
04/02/13 12:51:06PM @soaring-eagle:

the Barrellady
04/02/13 12:15:25PM @the-barrellady:

Welcome to the community Casey and congratulations on your new natural journey. There is lots of information on this wonderful site to get you off to a healthy start, just read the dreaducation section found near the top of the page.

All you have to do is wash 2-3 times a week (what are you washing with) and when your sections have formed, you just need to keep them separated from each other....Other than that you get to sit back and enjoy the ride...Wash, Separate, Enjoy the ride...That's it........Peace

Baba Fats
04/02/13 12:01:29PM @baba-fats:


Gabriel Audet-Bourgault
07/12/13 03:02:26PM @tyler-chidester:

Meant to say you should be washing 2-3 times a week, if you do you would not normally have greasy hair, unless you always did before dreading.....

Gabriel Audet-Bourgault
07/12/13 03:01:00PM @tyler-chidester:

I read this on Knotty Chat: Kosta Nikolic

I need help again,i started natural a few months ago after i left crochet and all that,soo i washed my head with bcs and acv and my head was greasy,soo i stoped with acv as i was told and started washing with just hair wasn't greasy, but now it stinks, not much, but it is not a great feeling, I use lavender and romemary oil, but they don't make it better.

How often were you washing? If don't 2-3 times a week, then you normally should not have greasy hair, unless you always did before dreading.

let us know how you are using the oils too okay......Answer these and we can help you.....peace

04/12/13 04:20:21PM @darkstar:

Welcome. Eagle's right about crocheting. The only thing worse for your locks is felting. The damage that crocheting does is permanent. And it just accumulates with every time you do it. Just one session rips hundreds of hairs into smaller and smaller pieces This create severely weak locks over time.

If you only crocheted once, that's not the end of the world. But continued use will lead to locks snapping off in places. Even at the root, leaving bald spots

Gabriel Audet-Bourgault
04/12/13 03:17:55PM @tyler-chidester:

Welcome to the community...Peace

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
04/12/13 03:02:11PM @soaring-eagle:

welcome but crochet is 1 of the worse things u can do to dreads

Gabriel Audet-Bourgault
07/12/13 03:02:26PM @tyler-chidester:

Meant to say you should be washing 2-3 times a week, if you do you would not normally have greasy hair, unless you always did before dreading.....

Gabriel Audet-Bourgault
07/12/13 03:01:00PM @tyler-chidester:

I read this on Knotty Chat: Kosta Nikolic

I need help again,i started natural a few months ago after i left crochet and all that,soo i washed my head with bcs and acv and my head was greasy,soo i stoped with acv as i was told and started washing with just hair wasn't greasy, but now it stinks, not much, but it is not a great feeling, I use lavender and romemary oil, but they don't make it better.

How often were you washing? If don't 2-3 times a week, then you normally should not have greasy hair, unless you always did before dreading.

let us know how you are using the oils too okay......Answer these and we can help you.....peace

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