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dreadlocks shampoo
Brittany Hayth


Location: Indianapolis, IN
Zipcode: 46236
Country: US

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Bad Dreads


the Barrellady
04/29/13 01:08:40PM @the-barrellady:

Welcome to the community Brittany. Glad to hear you did not like the feel of beeswax in your dreads and you have already combed them out. Have you done anything to remove the wax yet? There are two ways: Wax B Gone from works fantastic I have heard. Here is a posting on that product: $15

You can also use Dawn dish soap and hot water. Get a pot of boiling water and mix in some dawn dish soap, (they use it to remove oil from animals affected by oil spills, works great). Let it cool just a little but still be very hot, dip sections of your hair into the water for a few minutes and it will start to melt the wax out. You will need to do this quite a few different times to get it all out completely. Once will not be enough to get it all out. Your hair will be so happy and will reward you with beautiful, lightweight happy dreads when your begin your journey again.....Peace

Baba Fats
04/29/13 11:00:19AM @baba-fats:

Welcome. Did you do anything to get the residue from the wax off? I'd highly recommend getting a small bottle of a good clarifying shampoo and try to wash it all off, just in case any is left over

Gabriel Audet-Bourgault
05/13/13 12:10:51AM @tyler-chidester:

Welcome to the community Timothy. You can wash your new journey dreads to be 2-3 times a week with a dread shampoo, on other days you can shower them with water to get the sweat out. My kids also do Martial Arts, my son is a black belt, so I understand the sweat that comes with it. When dreads are fully mature, then they should not get wet everyday because the are much thicker and take longer to dry, but right now you can certainly wet them every day...Peace

05/11/13 08:11:14AM @darkstar:

Welcome. So how are you starting?

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
05/11/13 03:30:08AM @soaring-eagle:


are u going natural?

start by reading the dreaducation page

Gabriel Audet-Bourgault
05/13/13 12:10:51AM @tyler-chidester:

Welcome to the community Timothy. You can wash your new journey dreads to be 2-3 times a week with a dread shampoo, on other days you can shower them with water to get the sweat out. My kids also do Martial Arts, my son is a black belt, so I understand the sweat that comes with it. When dreads are fully mature, then they should not get wet everyday because the are much thicker and take longer to dry, but right now you can certainly wet them every day...Peace

05/11/13 08:11:14AM @darkstar:

Welcome. So how are you starting?

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
05/11/13 03:30:08AM @soaring-eagle:


are u going natural?

start by reading the dreaducation page

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