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dreadlocks shampoo



By Ojas Acharya, 2013-04-07

Wusupp guys... a few lines for every1, hope u guys relate to it....

im a child born from a woman's womb, i cried while i took my first breath in this world....

im scared of death n my last breath now, i value my freedom too...

love makes me smile and my heart laughs out loud, when im hurt i feel sad too...

i need food to eat n water to drink, air to breath and shelter to live... just like you...

peace helps me live and war gives me worries, why should we outpower some1 n why are we in a hurry?

hurry to go ahead, trying to pull the other back to be in the front.. tryin to prove how superior u are n they are not..

is it really important to be better than others? or is it important to be good for urself..?

is it important to win the race? or is it important to try ur best..?

have u learnt anything of substance in ur life? or have u just learnt what was taught?

have u learnt to gain profits or have u learnt to be true?

do u know to just nod ur heads or do u know how to ask questions new?

do u see the light at the end of the tunnel or do u bother about the distance u have to go to get through..?

the sun shines for me as much as it does for everyone,

the moon sparkles my nights even when the stars are few,

the rain brings freshness and sweet smell of the soil,

and the snow makes me shiver just like u...

no land knows no borders, only people do.

im a hindu, im a muslim, im a christian n a jew,

im was an ape, i have evolved... n im now a human too... just like you...

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Bead Story

By MCEscherLand, 2013-04-07

I've added a little color to my dreads lately! And more beads! Neat story about all my beads... it was my former roommate and still best friend Lauren who helped me put in my first dreadlock. I fell in love with it and it inspired the rest. After she moved out to room with a friend from back home, I cleaned out her desk and found several beads she had left. I put them in my hair to help remind me that I wouldn't have dreads today were it not for her. Love that girl and I love my locks!

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By Peter Kim, 2013-04-06

Been 10 months having locs going 11. Im feeling good, my dreads are maturing surely but slowly. I've decided to take out the from 2 rows from my hair line, so I can discretely have dreadlocks.

Before anyone bashs on me for using wax I KNOW! and truly when I had my dreads first put in, I told my guy not to use wax but since he runs a salon, im guessing to make the "after" pictures look better he didn't listen to me and told me I should wax one. We did wax one and since I loved the look of a dread in my hair I told him to do the rest.... Well 10 months later, I can share my story about wax.

Simple.... DO NOT USE WAX

Even though my "stylist" used minimal amounts of wax, it was enough to make the roots stick together and not matt up... I was noticing that the front dreads didn't mature at the roots at all, I figured it was because of the wax but I was in denial.

Well after taking out a couple of my dreads so far, I have learned that there is wax residue built up with dust, at the root of my dreads.

Its crazy to think that even using wax ONE time will still have a impact on dreads.....

Man I love my dreads but knowing that I used wax even one time was killing me on the inside for I wanted the most natural dreadlocks.



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rosemary/mint tea rinse

By nicoleneosoul, 2013-04-06
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I Quit

By Jacob chear, 2013-04-05
Im done, its over. My supposed journey, crushed of course i don't blame you all but its over ive had my hair twisted and ripped and twisted again ive got to salons bought expensive products and nothing. Ive fallowed instructions ive gone through long periods without washing and when my hair got try and flakey i tryed to oil my haid and they fell apart. And when i take showers my hair falls apart. It dosent "lock up" it wont stay and im tired of trying. And theres only so much a person can take, so im done, barber shop here i come.
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The newbie just sayin hi to everyone :)

By Crystal_68, 2013-04-04

So, this is the first dreadlock forum I've ever joined. I started my dreads just over a year ago and they're coming along nicely. I know you guys steered me away from using wax going into this. BIG thanks!! But what I've been reading about recently is how bad using a crochet needle can be. I started off using it every week, less and less as they started to thicken on their own. But after all the reading I've been doing lately(mostly on this site), I hope it's safe to say I can stop all together and just let them start growing in naturally. So just wanna give a shout out to everyone and say thanks for all the great tips over the last year or so!

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Messy hair

By brie-lenn harkins, 2013-04-04

it has been about a week since i started. Ive been using baking soda wash. But my hair looks a wreck. It ispretty coarse and curly. How long does it take for it to start looking presentable?

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Dreading process has begun!

By Laura Volk, 2013-04-01

So last night, with my best friend, we did my dreads. It took us from around 10pm-5am. We sectioned, put the rubber bands in, then backcombed. I helped so we did two dreads at a time so it went faster than expected. Which I'm very happy about! She did an amazing job on my dreads, she's so great.

I'm worried though because the ones that I did, are not as tight as the ones she did. This might be due to the fact that my fine tooth comb was terrible. I tried re-doing some of them with her comb later on. It's very hard for me to get the back ones though without my arms burning after a while. My dreads are very funny looking but that's okay. :)

I had very ignorant comments at work about them. One kid even had the fucking NERVE to say to me that I looked like a "dirty slut" for them. What a fucking moron. I don't care if he doesn't like the style of it, but to come up to me & call me a "dirty slut"??? What NERVE!!! My manager told him if he said that one more time, he was going to be written up. It was so inappropriate. Anyway, another older lady I work with told me I looked dirty & another said it means I'm a lesbian. (I'm not.) Their perception on dreads is: you're gay if you have them, you're dirty, you never take showers, you don't take care of yourself, you do drugs, you are a rebel, you smoke & drink all the time, you're a slut, you're mean, you have to cut your hair all off afterwards, mold grows in the dreads, & bugs live in them.

It was surprising how dumb these comments were. & They only based these off of dreads that were bad. Like, I saw a picture of someone who has what they called "dreads" & someone who had good dreads & the first person who said they had "dreads" had a matted up brick-like sheet of hair. It was nasty. This was not dreads, this was a matted, scrunched up bunch of shit.



There is a difference between nice dreads & shitty ass dreads. First one is poorly taken care of shitty dreads. The second are good dreads. Very well taken care of dreads.

But the first one is mostly what the people that have been telling me crap about think of when I say "dreads." & That's just sad.

But anyway, that's what people think at work (some of them) & the rest love my dreads.

I absolutely love my dreads. They have turned out nicely! I can't wait till they mature & look much better though. I'm thinking about getting blonde extensions to match my hair & crotchet hook them into the ends to make my hair a little longer or maybe to just have more dreads all over. Either way, my dreads right now are perfect for me & I am very happy. I love this!

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Pre dreading queries

By Kuma, 2013-03-31
Ok. As I don't have dreads yet I have many questions! I've started washing my hair with bicarb soda to get rid of the conditioner before I dread, and it's turning out quite dry - I assume that adding different oils and things would help with that? Also, as they mature how does the thickness change? I'm going to do the twist and rip method so how much thicker/thinner will the end up compared to what I start with?
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THIN dread roots!!

By Brooke McGibben, 2013-03-31

Some of my roots on my dreads are thin and the root isn;t dreaded while some of myother dreads don;t have a root problem. I'm afraid the ones with the thin roots will fall out!!!! Also I have some flat dreads on the back of my head and the roots are roundbut as I go down the dread they flatten out and I don't know if its an illusion or not but on those dreads the roots seem thinner. Is it just because the middle to end of the dread is flat so it's wider than the root?? I also did use a crochet hook when getting dreads and I've had my dreads for a little over a year and 2 months now but I have stopped using the hook and I'm letting my hair do what it's going to do. I just need to know if there is anything I can do for the thin roots.

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