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ღHippie Loveღ
03/20/13 07:45:53AM @hippie-love:

Welcome and Happy Dreading.

Always, Hippie Love

the Barrellady
03/19/13 10:48:53PM @the-barrellady:

Welcome to the community. Hope you show us your 5 year old dreads.


Baba Fats
03/19/13 08:33:03PM @baba-fats:

Welcome Was any wax, creams, or gels used? If so, locks don't mature at all past the fist time they were applied. What did the salon do? Check out the recovery forums to see what others have gone through

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
03/19/13 07:55:31PM @soaring-eagle:

welcome but what sdid the salon do salons are notorius for screwing up dreads do u have alot of scalp showing and thinning roots/

we ned every detail of what they did

03/31/13 10:15:05PM @darkstar:

Welcome. Why do you need someone to crochet your hair? Like Tim said, it's your hair, but crocheting is the second most damaging thing that can be done to locks. it does nothing but destroys your locks and lowers the longevity of them. If you only want locks for a few years, it's not terrible. But to keep your locks for life, crocheting will not allow it.

What do you need "maintained" about them, anyway? Locks won't mature well if you keep pulling in the loose hairs around your roots

Gabriel Audet-Bourgault
03/31/13 07:18:06PM @tyler-chidester:

Welcome to the community Ian.

03/31/13 10:15:05PM @darkstar:

Welcome. Why do you need someone to crochet your hair? Like Tim said, it's your hair, but crocheting is the second most damaging thing that can be done to locks. it does nothing but destroys your locks and lowers the longevity of them. If you only want locks for a few years, it's not terrible. But to keep your locks for life, crocheting will not allow it.

What do you need "maintained" about them, anyway? Locks won't mature well if you keep pulling in the loose hairs around your roots

Gabriel Audet-Bourgault
03/31/13 07:18:06PM @tyler-chidester:

Welcome to the community Ian.

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