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dreadlocks shampoo
Zack Williams


Location: Northridge, CA
Zipcode: 91324
Country: US

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Baba Fats
07/16/13 06:06:08PM @baba-fats:


the Barrellady
07/16/13 02:16:36PM @the-barrellady:

Welcome to the community Zack. Love your hair texture and better yet, so will dreads! Definitely go the neglect method with your type, they will certainly turn out the best and look awesome. Read your questions, so I will answer here:

  • in regards to tying them up for work, do it just before your shift starts and take them out as soon as your shift ends. Tying them will delay the process a bit, so do it as little as possible. When you are not at work, keep them free to move and knot. The best way I find is by using a shoe lace. That way you can choose any color. The texture of them allows them to be tied as loose as possible, that way there is no pressure point on the hair at all. You'll be amazed how loose you can tie them and still have them stay in. if you use a long one, you can wrap it around twice...nice and loose.
  • shampoo: water type plays a large roll on what dread shampoos or bars you can use, if you have soft water, then any type will do. With hard water, many of those same ones do not rinse out properly and slowly leave behind a residue build up. If you need a fantastic one, most of us recommend . All natural products created by a member on this site.
  • pay attention to the back of your head, many people doing the neglect method will find that it joins into a matted area due to sleeping habits. If that happens, just separate the sections from each other. Baba Fats posted videos on how to do this
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us. Keep them healthy and you will have happy dreads for life if you want.....peace

07/28/13 08:56:25AM @darkstar:

Welcome. In case you didn't know, or haven't heard yet, don't use sea salt if you aren't going to be washing within a few hours. Leaving it in too long will over dry your scalp and hair, making your hair brittle and your scalp itch like mad

Gabriel Audet-Bourgault
07/28/13 03:06:45AM @tyler-chidester:

Welcome to the community L Beezie and to your new journey....Depending how long your hair is, your journey will take 1-2 years to mature, and it is a wonderful journey to take....peace

07/28/13 08:56:25AM @darkstar:

Welcome. In case you didn't know, or haven't heard yet, don't use sea salt if you aren't going to be washing within a few hours. Leaving it in too long will over dry your scalp and hair, making your hair brittle and your scalp itch like mad

Gabriel Audet-Bourgault
07/28/13 03:06:45AM @tyler-chidester:

Welcome to the community L Beezie and to your new journey....Depending how long your hair is, your journey will take 1-2 years to mature, and it is a wonderful journey to take....peace

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