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dreadlocks shampoo
Skull Bean


Location: Leeds
Country: GB

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Blogs: 1


Uninformed decision

By Skull Bean, 2011-12-28

First and foremost, I waxed my dreads and will never do so again.

It was quite a few years ago now that I decided to have dreads and I am unashamed to admit I made mistakes in starting the dreading process. I decided to used wax to form gunked together assumed to be dreadlocks. Although I was and am a relatively intelligent, mature type of person I still made an uninformed, in my opinion, WRONG decision.

The dreads I thought I had were in fact not dreads at all, but candles of hair and wax undreaded and just there stuck together gathering dirt due to the wax retaining the nasties (even though I washed them).

Eventually the dreads that formed were cut out before University and I started anew with my short back and sides.

I still have my amputated dreads now, probably due to some bizarre artist instinct that they will be usful one day. As an experiment I have being trying to remove the wax from them with hot water.The findings are disgusting.

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