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dreadlocks shampoo
Sarah Turner


Location: Avon, IN
Zipcode: 46123
Country: US

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ღHippie Loveღ
03/23/13 10:25:51PM @hippie-love:

Welcome and Happy Dreading.

Always, Hippie Love

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
03/21/13 12:44:37PM @soaring-eagle:

welcome u can wash today if u want

03/21/13 10:10:58AM @jazzymomma:

WELCOME TO DREALCOKSSITE!!!!! WOOT WOOT haha goodluck and hope u have a wonderful peac and love filled dread journey to u feel free to ask questions:D:D

Baba Fats
03/21/13 09:45:28AM @baba-fats:

Welcome. There's no reason to wait a week to wash. No matter how long you wait, they will untangle a bit after your first wash. In fact,they ill untangle and retangle and untangle and retangle for the first ~6 months. Waiting will only make your hair oily and dirty. Dirty hair doesn't lock as well.

Baby locks progress faster when washed 2-3 times a week. Once mature, you can slow that down to once a week

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
04/02/13 01:10:52PM @soaring-eagle:

welcome interlocking is 1 of the worse things u can do! it will make u bald

but yu should be washing a few times a week every 3 days is optimal

let me guess the idiot that interlocked u sau=id not to wash for a year?>

Gabriel Audet-Bourgault
04/02/13 12:09:42PM @tyler-chidester:

Welcome to the community NoirCerise. You can only go about a week without washing you say, there are so many misconceptions about dreading, and dirty hair is one of them....It is recommended that you wash 2-3 times a week, dreads like to form with clean hair. Clean hair=beautiful mature dreads. I don't know why so many people think that dreads are dirty!

You will find the best information on the web right on this site. Just go the the dreaducation section up near the top of the page for all the wonderful healthy information for happy dreads....Peace

04/02/13 07:38:38AM @darkstar:

Welcome. NEVER interlock. Interlocking is extremely damaging to your locks. it does nothing to help them form knots. In fact, it completely prevents locks from forming at those points. When you force hair to twine around itself like it does during interlocking, weak spots are created, and it become more likely that your locks can snap at those places.

It's great that you can't go long periods without washing. For locks to form healthily, you should wash 1-3 times a week. Baby locks mature better when you wash more often

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
04/02/13 01:10:52PM @soaring-eagle:

welcome interlocking is 1 of the worse things u can do! it will make u bald

but yu should be washing a few times a week every 3 days is optimal

let me guess the idiot that interlocked u sau=id not to wash for a year?>

Gabriel Audet-Bourgault
04/02/13 12:09:42PM @tyler-chidester:

Welcome to the community NoirCerise. You can only go about a week without washing you say, there are so many misconceptions about dreading, and dirty hair is one of them....It is recommended that you wash 2-3 times a week, dreads like to form with clean hair. Clean hair=beautiful mature dreads. I don't know why so many people think that dreads are dirty!

You will find the best information on the web right on this site. Just go the the dreaducation section up near the top of the page for all the wonderful healthy information for happy dreads....Peace

04/02/13 07:38:38AM @darkstar:

Welcome. NEVER interlock. Interlocking is extremely damaging to your locks. it does nothing to help them form knots. In fact, it completely prevents locks from forming at those points. When you force hair to twine around itself like it does during interlocking, weak spots are created, and it become more likely that your locks can snap at those places.

It's great that you can't go long periods without washing. For locks to form healthily, you should wash 1-3 times a week. Baby locks mature better when you wash more often

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