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☮ soaring eagle ॐ
03/28/13 05:36:03PM @soaring-eagle:

welcome yes crochet causs extreme permenant harm but one use wont kill them

03/28/13 05:21:25PM @darkstar:

Welcome. It's great you stopped palm rolling. If you do it enough to see any progress at all, it will severely destroy your locks.

And even worse, is crocheting. This is in response to your post. Crocheting is the second worst thing you can do to locks, after felting. All a crochet needle does is shreds your hair into smaller and smaller pieces. It doesn't help to make locks any more mature. It does help weaken them, though. Because with ever rip of a hair, it becomes weaker when it's knotted back to another hair. This method also makes your locks stiff and hard. The most mature/healthy locks should be soft and spongy

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
03/28/13 05:36:03PM @soaring-eagle:

welcome yes crochet causs extreme permenant harm but one use wont kill them

03/28/13 05:21:25PM @darkstar:

Welcome. It's great you stopped palm rolling. If you do it enough to see any progress at all, it will severely destroy your locks.

And even worse, is crocheting. This is in response to your post. Crocheting is the second worst thing you can do to locks, after felting. All a crochet needle does is shreds your hair into smaller and smaller pieces. It doesn't help to make locks any more mature. It does help weaken them, though. Because with ever rip of a hair, it becomes weaker when it's knotted back to another hair. This method also makes your locks stiff and hard. The most mature/healthy locks should be soft and spongy

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