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dreadlocks shampoo


Location: Benicia, CA
Zipcode: 94510
Country: US

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the Barrellady
04/25/13 01:14:04PM @the-barrellady:

Welcome to the community rasta. ..Hope you share a pic of your 3 year old natural dreads with us.Peace

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
04/25/13 12:20:54AM @soaring-eagle:

wyatt walker
05/07/13 01:07:12PM @wyatt-walker:

WELCOME TO DREADLOCKSSITE BRO peace an luv b with ya on ur continued journey with locks lol

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
05/06/13 11:59:17PM @soaring-eagle:

welcome but u should nut retwist at akll nd u have a toin of wax and gunk in them u dont want to add aloe u want to remove wax u have alot of wax removal to do probly months worth get the wax b gone right away

ands never retwist

Gabriel Audet-Bourgault
05/06/13 11:38:21PM @tyler-chidester:

Welcome to the community MurkMeccaMegatron, now that's a mouthful!! If you would like to work on getting the bees wax out so that your hair can tighten and mature naturally, there is a fantastic product called Wax B Gone $15. You will notice a difference after the first use, other members who have used it found it to be the best one out there and swear by it. If the wax is out, you will see that your hair will tighten up all on its own and you won't find the urge to retwist, which is never a good thing to do due to future scalp damage. ...Enjoy the site...Peace

wyatt walker
05/07/13 01:07:12PM @wyatt-walker:

WELCOME TO DREADLOCKSSITE BRO peace an luv b with ya on ur continued journey with locks lol

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
05/06/13 11:59:17PM @soaring-eagle:

welcome but u should nut retwist at akll nd u have a toin of wax and gunk in them u dont want to add aloe u want to remove wax u have alot of wax removal to do probly months worth get the wax b gone right away

ands never retwist

Gabriel Audet-Bourgault
05/06/13 11:38:21PM @tyler-chidester:

Welcome to the community MurkMeccaMegatron, now that's a mouthful!! If you would like to work on getting the bees wax out so that your hair can tighten and mature naturally, there is a fantastic product called Wax B Gone $15. You will notice a difference after the first use, other members who have used it found it to be the best one out there and swear by it. If the wax is out, you will see that your hair will tighten up all on its own and you won't find the urge to retwist, which is never a good thing to do due to future scalp damage. ...Enjoy the site...Peace

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