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dreadlocks shampoo


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Baba Fats
04/13/13 04:32:23PM @baba-fats:

Welcome. The healthiest locks require no maintenance at all. All you need to do is wash your hair with a good non residue soap, 2-3 times a week.

Any maintenance other than washing and separating will cause mild-extreme damage to your locks. Crocheting even once a month will do so much damage that it lowers the longevity of your locks by years.

See, every time you stick the hook through your locks, it rips hundreds of hairs. This starts to weaken your locks, very quickly. And then, when you pull the hook back out, it rips just as many, if not more hairs. Again, more weakening. What crocheting doesn't do is helps knots form.

Eventually you get locks where the tips aren't attached to your scalp. They are attached to other broken hairs, which are attached to others, and others, and so on until finally they are attached to your scalp.

Healthy locks have the tips of the locks will attached to your scalp. It's just long, super coiled and knotted hairs.

And like Eagle said, the UK has extremely hard water. Dr. B's is a castile soap. Castile soaps don't rinse well in hard water, and do leave TONS of residue. It doesn't always show up right away. But it builds up and starts to weight your locks down

the Barrellady
04/13/13 01:52:58PM @the-barrellady:

Welcome to the community Neil. Here is a link in regards to crocheting: Soaring Eagle has put together this great information.

If you want your dreads for life, or for many years to come, then you should never use a hook again in your dreads. Thousands of broken little hairs weaken the locs, causing them to eventually fall off/break off. S alons only want your money and will tell you this will not happen, but other members on this site who have gone through the dread loss will tell you otherwise, they know!

Dreads cost no money!

If you want dreads for only a short few years, well then, carry on, but please do expect the loss at some point. We only mean well for you and your dreads when we make you aware of the crochet hook, so please forgive us if this offends you in any way.

Have fun with this site, Chat to many on Knotty Chat and take advantage of the many groups formed on here...Peace and happy journey to you

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
04/13/13 01:41:01PM @soaring-eagle:

oh also uk has exreemely hard water so bronners wil cause buildup from hell in your water

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
04/13/13 01:39:13PM @soaring-eagle:

how often have u crochetted

if only the 1st day they would take 6 monrths to recover

if u crochetted for a year it can take a year..or 2 or 3 to recover

its really 1 of the worse things u can do to dreads

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
04/13/13 01:37:43PM @soaring-eagle:


but crochets 1 of the worse things u can ever dio to dreads

and lock powders a scam

it does nothing but create an illusion your literaly paying to sprincle dirt in your hair

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