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dreadlocks shampoo
Michael Morriss


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☮ soaring eagle ॐ
01/06/12 12:04:56PM @soaring-eagle:

welcome h&s? head and shoulders? that is not the best its too conditioning and does leave lots of residues

theres better more natural options to treat dandruff

Julie Monrad
10/29/10 01:48:42AM @jasmin-tea:
An herbalist!!! awesome. I was over in England, travelled about a bit and was mainly in lil rural town of Lyminge (Kent area). I was excavating 6-7th cent. Anglo-Saxon settlement. But in the States I've been studying foraging societies and working with my university and NAGPRA (Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act) to help my university sort out tooo too much back logged archive material and make sure artifacts and remains of natives ancestors gets giving back etc etc hahaJapan.. i wanna be there to.. never been! hope too!

Julie Monrad
10/26/10 03:06:30AM @jasmin-tea:
tryyying to finish up schoool. deeegreee so close i can taste it. Archaeology! w000h! Just got back from doing fieldwork overseas !!!

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10/25/10 01:08:32PM @soaring-eagle:
the roots dont ever need anything u should have loose hairs at the roots thats healthy leave em and they dread on theyre ownu weaken the roots u weaken the whole dread so neven do anything to the roots easxcept seperate as needed

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10/25/10 01:53:33AM @soaring-eagle:
welcome sis byut u should throw away the tool the tools create looser hairs by breaking hairsthey will really screw up your dreadsu should just leave loose hairs alone they will fix themselvres

Julie Monrad
10/29/10 01:48:42AM @jasmin-tea:
An herbalist!!! awesome. I was over in England, travelled about a bit and was mainly in lil rural town of Lyminge (Kent area). I was excavating 6-7th cent. Anglo-Saxon settlement. But in the States I've been studying foraging societies and working with my university and NAGPRA (Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act) to help my university sort out tooo too much back logged archive material and make sure artifacts and remains of natives ancestors gets giving back etc etc hahaJapan.. i wanna be there to.. never been! hope too!

Julie Monrad
10/26/10 03:06:30AM @jasmin-tea:
tryyying to finish up schoool. deeegreee so close i can taste it. Archaeology! w000h! Just got back from doing fieldwork overseas !!!

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10/25/10 01:08:32PM @soaring-eagle:
the roots dont ever need anything u should have loose hairs at the roots thats healthy leave em and they dread on theyre ownu weaken the roots u weaken the whole dread so neven do anything to the roots easxcept seperate as needed

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10/25/10 01:53:33AM @soaring-eagle:
welcome sis byut u should throw away the tool the tools create looser hairs by breaking hairsthey will really screw up your dreadsu should just leave loose hairs alone they will fix themselvres

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