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dreadlocks shampoo
Kayla Jacobsen


Location: Marco Island, FL
Zipcode: 34145
Country: US

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ღHippie Loveღ
12/30/12 01:15:31PM @hippie-love:

Welcome and Happy Dreading.

Baba Fats
12/30/12 12:54:56PM @baba-fats:

Welcome. I feel like I have to tell you that crocheting is actually the most destructive thing that can be done to locks. All it does is rips your hairs to shreds. Because the hairs are ripped up, the hair at the tip of the locks ends up not being attached to your scalp anymore. It is just attached to other broken hairs, which are attached to other broken hairs, and so on and so on until finally hairs are attached to your scalp. This makes your locks extremely weak. Locks can actually snap off in places. They can even snap off at the root, leaving bald spots.

Palm rolling, too, only does 1 of 2 things. If you don't do it much, it won't create any lasting knots. If you do it enough to see progress, it is actually destroying your roots. It rips hairs out of your scalp and weakens your roots to the point that it may not be fixable. This can actually happens faster than you'd think. I palm rolled for 2 weeks, and 6 years later, I'm still trying to fix the damage.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12/30/12 12:50:42PM @soaring-eagle:

welcome but whats gliving and crochet i hope u stopped that thats extremely bad for dreads ..pure destruction

01/10/13 04:08:18PM @darkstar:

Welcome. Palm rolling a lot will only cause damage to your roots. It can cause so much damage that it'sirreversible. If you don't do it a lot, it will only make them look neat for a few hours. It doesn't actually create lasting knots

01/10/13 02:53:10PM @tony2:

Welcome SE is right. Happy Dreading

Always, Hippie Love

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
01/10/13 02:43:03PM @soaring-eagle:

welcome but palm rollings pointless it does nothing at all unless u do it so much it cay-uses harm all they need is washing and seperating

no wax was used i hope..right?

01/10/13 04:08:18PM @darkstar:

Welcome. Palm rolling a lot will only cause damage to your roots. It can cause so much damage that it'sirreversible. If you don't do it a lot, it will only make them look neat for a few hours. It doesn't actually create lasting knots

01/10/13 02:53:10PM @tony2:

Welcome SE is right. Happy Dreading

Always, Hippie Love

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
01/10/13 02:43:03PM @soaring-eagle:

welcome but palm rollings pointless it does nothing at all unless u do it so much it cay-uses harm all they need is washing and seperating

no wax was used i hope..right?

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