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the Barrellady
03/28/13 02:02:37PM @the-barrellady:

Filte to the community. Please read the following link before you crochet to get all the info on this method

Three months does not make dreads, be patient and enjoy the ride. Do you want dreads for years or for life? If so, then please do not use the hook in your sections.

I you want dreads for maybe only a couple of years and want to get them a quicker way, then have fun with them and do what ever method works for you. But please do be aware that maintenance free dreads can be brushed out...using a hook will cause so much damage that when you finally do brush them out all you will probably have is short broken pieces of hair and will then have to go with a short hairstyle.

Whatever you do, have fun and enjoy dreads. Peace

Baba Fats
03/28/13 12:40:53PM @baba-fats:

Welcome. If you aren't sure if you want to crochet, think about this first. Crochet hooks, no matter where you buy them, are designed for yarn and tough thread. They aren't designed for hair, which breaks really easily. If you stick a hook into your hair, it will shred your hair into tiny pieces. What is stronger a single strand of hair intact, or a bunch of little hairs folded over each other? The single hair is stronger. So that's the first reason. Crochet hook weaken your locks.

The other reasons are just as important. Crocheting makes your locks hard and stiff. They will be uncomfortable to lay on. Mature locks should be soft and spongy.

Along with being tight, they cause your locks to hold water longer. This can cause mold to grow if the water can't drain out properly.

If you crochet your roots, you are putting too much torque in your roots and scalp, which will cause baldness because hairs are being pulled in unnatural ways and tightened there. Roots will tighten on their own. but if you try to force it, you'll start balding before they would normally tighten on their own

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
03/28/13 12:00:49PM @soaring-eagle:

welcome but nooo sztay away from crochet hooks they are extremely bad 1 of the worse things u can do
dont even think abiut using 1
what makes u think you should?
your dreads are just babies..leave em alone

03/28/13 11:15:50AM @jazzymomma:

WELCOME TO DREADLOCKSSITE!!! peace an luv be with u

o please dont use crocet needle hun. tears hairs up breaks them lots tiny peices weakens hair an dreads will eventually fall apart an off. damages hair badly. please refer to the deaducaion tab.:D goodluck

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
04/09/13 04:15:48AM @soaring-eagle:

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
04/09/13 04:15:48AM @soaring-eagle:

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