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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @lauryn-dowding

Lauryn Dowding
07/06/14 04:35:27AM
48 posts

Shampoo from European seller?

Dread Products

Been having a look online and I'm going to be trying this (link below) lots of good reviews from dread users and cheap with free shipping from Europe. Hope this helps!
Lauryn Dowding
07/04/14 11:03:29AM
48 posts

Shampoo from European seller?

Dread Products

Christian Villadsen said:

Ye.. I know you could always buy in bulk.. But the issue is that I'm a student and I just barely get by money wise. So I'd have to save up over a few months to buy like that, but I kinda need it as soon as possible :)

Hi there, there is the baking soda wash that could use to start off then with otherwise if you have a lush shop near you they do dread friendly soap bars that are of cheap price. I was having the same problem as you.

Lauryn Dowding
07/22/14 04:35:02AM
48 posts

my TNR timeline 6 month update

Member Journals and Timelines

Dreads are looking awesome dude...loving the big thick chap at the back. Happy dreading.

Lauryn Dowding
05/28/14 05:23:08AM
48 posts

Twist and Rip looks like braids?

dread wax and dread kits recovery

I would do a second helping of the wax be gone to make sure every bit of wax is out, otherwise there isn't going to be much progression going on. The braiding look is normal, thats just by the way they were made mine look the same. As they mature they will eventually change and look like normal dreads do. Good luck with your dread journey.

Peace and love to you.

Lauryn Dowding
05/01/14 03:54:32AM
48 posts

Welcome to the group :D I have the same problem by thinking mine were to thin but didn't want the hassle of brushing them out! Personally I would just leave them to go natural now except with separation after washing and let them decide what they want to do themselves. Enjoy your dread journey!Love and peace.
Lauryn Dowding
04/28/14 01:27:33PM
48 posts

Worth the wait

General Talk

They look awesome dude...keep dreading!! Peace

Lauryn Dowding
06/03/14 12:15:48AM
48 posts

I be Reverie - Knotty since birth. 20 months. Updated 9/15/14

Member Journals and Timelines

Man you're a very beautiful human being and your journey is amazing! Keep dreading, peace and love.
Lauryn Dowding
07/26/14 02:55:30PM
48 posts

14 months natural dreads timeline

Member Journals and Timelines

Seriously gorgeous locks, they really suit you and look amazing.

Peace and Love.

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