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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @joey-paone

Joey Paone
08/31/12 02:37:41PM
17 posts

first week of all natural, do you think my hair will dread faster or slower?

General Questions

ok so its only been a week but does it look like its headed down the right path? is it to early to tell? and do you think my hair type judging by the pictures will dread faster or slower ( even thought my hair is curly and tanglie, will is take longer cause its so thick? thankss

updated by @joey-paone: 01/13/15 09:34:43PM
Joey Paone
08/30/12 10:58:51PM
17 posts

would the rip and tear method be good to get my natural ones started?

General Questions

like obviously they wouldnt be all natural if i did some rip and tear but im talking just a few peices hear and there and only a little bit just to give them a push?

updated by @joey-paone: 01/13/15 09:34:40PM
Joey Paone
08/30/12 07:16:48PM
17 posts

How to wash and dry my hair when trying to get dreads?

Dread Maintenance

ok so assuming you dont run your fingers through your hair cause that would untangle it, when when i get out do i just shake my head? thankss

updated by @joey-paone: 01/13/15 09:34:39PM
Joey Paone
08/27/12 02:03:41AM
17 posts

will thick curly coarse hair take longer to naturaly dread?

Dreading Methods

i have really thick coarse curly hair and was wondering if it take longer to dread naturally and if they come out easier with thick hair, i just ordered dread shampoo from bucks county soap factory and im hoping this will work

updated by @joey-paone: 01/13/15 09:34:29PM
Joey Paone
08/21/12 02:50:18AM
17 posts

Hey! I know this might not be the best way to intoduce myself but..

Introduce Yourself

thanks guys, i will defiantly get my dread shampoo from there, it definatly seems more legit than that stupid dreadheadhq website, but im from hatfield its like right outside philly in montgomery county, you probably heard of like hatfield hotdogs and shit haha

Joey Paone
08/20/12 09:48:22PM
17 posts

Hey! I know this might not be the best way to intoduce myself but..

Introduce Yourself

Yeah i defiantly want skinnier dreads, so thanks for the tip, and ps i was looking at your profile and noticed your also from philly, go flyers! haha

Joey Paone
08/20/12 09:33:14PM
17 posts

Hey! I know this might not be the best way to intoduce myself but..

Introduce Yourself

my names joey im 21 years old and i always have wanted dreads but never had the balls to grow out my hair (pretty much cause i have a giant fro) but anyways i did not get them yet but earlier today i half assed some backcombed dreads just to get an idea of what i would look like with them, i wanted to know what you guys thought, just to get some feedback to see if they dont suit me at all, even though i know dreads arnt about what everyone else thinks but im just curious =) thanks

updated by @joey-paone: 01/13/15 09:34:01PM
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