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Forum Activity for @natty-dave

Natty Dave
11/20/10 08:14:16PM
56 posts

a successful troll is just a failure

General Talk


taye said:
what realm do you play on Davey?
Natty Dave
11/19/10 01:58:25PM
56 posts

a successful troll is just a failure

General Talk

eh, it does cater to casual players a bit, but that is why i enjoy it, it is easy for me to play for a bit and then stop so i can chill and take care of my kid; i played ffxi for a few years and hardcore games like that really leave no room for interpretation, and groups lasted hours, or days, it took a lot of dedication that i don't have anymore

Maxe said:
I have to agree...WoW is for first time mmo's really bad once you hold it up against other games :P....boring unrandom crafting, unrandom drops, forcing you to spend hours a day in a group with 39 noobs to get the gear you want, bad PvP...etc. xD
Natty Dave
11/19/10 01:35:10AM
56 posts

a successful troll is just a failure

General Talk

i play wow too, 80 paladin, and i really enjoy myself with it, although i wish the trolls could have dreads, i love the whole rasta/Jamaican vibe of them.and internet trolls are silly, i'm a juggalo(listen to icp/psycopathic records) and we catch plenty of that so i hate to even mention it anymore; apparently the real big jerk troll jerks are making fake facebook accounts and sending juggalos friend requests then tagging them in gross pictures of people being cut up and shit to get them banned. i really don't get it, i mean yeah i laughed at "how do magnets work" too but people shouldn't be getting threats of physical violence over the music they listen to.a lot of it comes from /b/ though, or at least the worst of it, pretty much anything that doesn't is imitation

taye said:
lol i can laugh at the false sense of accomplishment i feel. I have spent 6 yrs playing it....i have also spent 6 years doing other things. It has not robbed me of 6 years....time robs me of years. It has entertained me for 6 years.
Natty Dave
11/21/10 03:47:35PM
56 posts

they look good man; and good luck on oaksterdam, we're considering a similar course of action
Natty Dave
11/18/10 02:01:02PM
56 posts

a interlocking loctician wanted to show me how great interlocking is

Dreading Methods

i don't understand why people do this, i think root flipping is like the one thing all dread community's agree upon when it comes to really, really bad ideas, and yeah, as soon as i looked at the video i was like wtf, those look terrible, and then he worked on them. those sections are huge and the dreads are no where nearly as fat, are they like that from the crocheting?i just watch another of his video's, man, those are just bad.
Natty Dave
11/16/10 03:19:57PM
56 posts

How often and how do u wash your head ?

Dread Maintenance

i usually do it around monday and friday, or when it gets itchy; would like to do it less but it seems like every time i do my locks look better
Natty Dave
11/16/10 05:48:46AM
56 posts

Sectioning hair differently before BC

Dreading Methods

before i backcombed i stopped combing for about a week or so and instead of sectioning i just went with the way it felt it wanted to go as much as possible, i think it turned out pretty well as i have a few bigger ones, smaller ones, i think it turned out nicely and was far less tedious and annoying than trying to section a certain size and keeping it all even and all that mess
Natty Dave
11/14/10 02:02:44PM
56 posts

baking soda and ACV mix.... not working?

Dread Products

try and add a tbs or so of sea salt to your bs mix and maybe skip the acv; i did a little searching a few days ago because my hair was greasy after bs/acv too and it looks like since the acv is being used as a conditioner, it's not 100% needed other than to restore ph balance, and you can go with out it if the bs doesn't dry you out to bad, at least this is what i have come to understand.when i wash, i do 1/2-3/4 cup bs and 2 or 3 tbs to a gallon pitcher of water, or at least what's left after i put my hand in to break up the clumps, and it dries out my hair big time which is great because i can become a grease ball after a few days. i have noticed an increase in dandruff when not using the acv, but it's not really that bad and still an improvement over anything else i've ever used so i figure i will continue to do bs with sea salt for a few weeks and then once a month or so do the acv rinse just to keep things from getting to dried out
Natty Dave
11/15/10 12:32:15PM
56 posts


Dread Maintenance

i think the doing nothing really is the hardest thing about dreads, because the majority of our lives Babylon tells us to brush our hair to be this that and the other and the styling and manicuring has been drilled into our heads some times from birth, so to let go of what we've always done is stressful.

Van Dorn said:
O.O Wow, people here are really helpful. I wasn't expecting such a response so fast. Usually when I post things on the internet I expect for it to go ignored or unnoticed for a few days before I get an unenthusiastic spattering of response. This is fantastic! And, point taken *nod* I shall endeavor to get over the funky feeling of having loose roots and do absolutely nothing. (I will admit to being kind of a tight-ass though. Starting dreads was probably more therapeutic than I anticipated. See this? They're already teaching me to stop trying to control everything.)

Thanks guys.
Natty Dave
11/14/10 08:12:02PM
56 posts


Dread Maintenance

and this should be a good point, everything you have done, has not worked for you, i don't know why rubbing butter or lotion would help something dread up though, moisturizing and conditioning is not really needed unless your dreads are brittle or well established and mature. the best thing you can do, really is nothing.

kelley lea said:
all true. i "twisted and ripped" mine in rubber bands and had problems with 2 or 3 not knotting at the root. it was like a dread that just... stopped, kept getting further and further from my scalp. coulda been the method, but they just didn't knot. i originally crocheted those, quit that, rubbed em, and pretty much quit that. i work raw shae butter in the roots which probably helps. they're all knotting up there own way now.
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