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Forum Activity for @rae

02/02/11 03:05:40AM
74 posts

My (almost) five month Backcombed Dreads

Member Journals and Timelines

Thanks so much for the compliment, Andelynn! It is really great to know that I'm on the right path, and I'm dglad you feel the same way. Just because one loves her dreads doesn't mean she doesn't worry they're messing up some how. hahaI love looking at other people's photos, makes me of split mind though. On the one hand I'm excited that My dreads will look that awesome one day, on the other hand I am almost fearful that I'll never look that cool. The future is exciting isn't it?

Andelynn said:

Thank you for posting your pictures! My hair looks similar to yours and I've just started my 5th month. It is nice to see that apparently, we are both on the right track! :) I also have many flat ones - mostly in the back - the ones I guess I sleep on. I am also hoping they round out. I have faith they will. Anyway, you look absolutely lovely and thanx again for sharing. It is so encouraging to see others going through the process as I am. In fact today, I was looking at someone eles's picture because her dreads were so beautiful and I was wondering how she did it. I am convinced now that they were manufactured with wax and other salon processes. Seeing your hair confirms for me that I think I like mine better. I am also learning that just because I am going more natural, doesn't mean that my dreads can't look as neat, clean, and beautiful as if they were manufactured. I've got some great ones in the front that I just can't hardly believe! I also have some interesting loopies underneath all over and it will be interesting to see how they work out.

Keep posting, I am very interested in how both of our heads turn out - my hair is even just about the same length as yours!

02/02/11 02:58:43AM
74 posts

My (almost) five month Backcombed Dreads

Member Journals and Timelines

Johnny Clean was the only information I found on dreads that I felt was credible, or perhaps appeared credible is a better way to put it; but the idea of using wax seemed to go against the grain of what I thought dreadlocks represented. I finally started searching for "no wax dreadlocks" and found this place.Its true though! I used to want "pretty" manicured locks, but it just seemed like SO much up keep for something I originally though was supposed to be a very natural process. I know someone who has four year old dreads down to her waist and while they are nice they are all even tidy sections, and she rolls and rubs them all the time. I feel like mine are going to turn out WAY better because each dread is so individualistic. Actually I find I start touching or feeling for certain locks depending on my mood, they each have a different feel to them. (-:

soaringeagle said:

see u thiught u wanted jonny clean locks but the ones u love the most are the ones farthest from that fake look the ones that are complwetey unique and untamed are the best..

i wish more dhhq suppoerters would realize that

01/31/11 11:30:19AM
74 posts

My (almost) five month Backcombed Dreads

Member Journals and Timelines

I've never done this before, so please forgive me if this is little long...

This was my hair before I started my dreading process.

I had never found a hair style that I felt really fit me, and had always admired dreads, but it was my long term boyfriend who urged me to give it a try. I didn't understand till after I started that dreads are more of a process, I was caught up in JC's idea of dreads, though I KNEW I didn't want any sort of product in my hair. It was after browsing this site for a while that I really got it, dreads aren't a race, it's a life style.

This is right after my boyfriend backbombed for nine hours (I watched an entire season of Seinfeld).

My hair type is a little wavy, but pretty thin (though I have a lot of hair) so I was worried about how everything would turn out, short and long term; but so far I am VERY satisfied! They are perfect for Me.

I'm now at almost five months and figured I would post some pictures of how far my babies have come, along with a few of my favorite dreads.

Please forgive the Awful facial expression here, Don't know what I was doing. haha

Most of the dreads on the top layer of my head look like this, but this is one of my favorites. Most all of them are really flat though, I'm hoping they round out with time.

This is My Favorite dread, He's just Crazy! There's a few inches, and then BLAM! Wad of hair!

I've noticed a lot of the dreads on the bottom layers of my head have dreaded up faster, and have less loose hair than those on the top. Some days it feels like I'm just one giant furry ball of loose hair, but even on these days I'm in awe and Love with my hair in a way that I have never been before. I never have those days I see others post about "Ahhhh I hate my hair!" I keep waiting for it to happen, the disappointment in my hair or something. I think I'm just to in love!

Edited: I've lost only a few inches in length. I hadn't really noticed until a month ago though.

updated by @rae: 07/08/20 10:18:55AM
01/31/11 10:29:40AM
74 posts

Dyeing dreads

General Questions

I used Henna on my three month old dreads and it worked GREAT. I did notice a bit of loosening after I was finished because dying my babies took a lot of handling but it was worth it.
01/31/11 04:02:29PM
74 posts

Dreams where your dreads were GONE?!

Life Issues Facing Dreads

I was JUST thinking about this!!

I never have dreads in my dreams. I've been dreading almost 5 months now and can't imagine myself with out them, but in my dreams I just don't have them. I don't really think about not having them, I don't miss them or anything; I don't suddenly have nothing, or "normal" hair. Actually the hair I have in dreams now is short (mid ear length) and messy (curly, frizzy, knotted, just messy,). I guess that's how I see my hair some days, just a big frizzy mess, though I do love my baby dreads.

12/17/10 03:02:04AM
74 posts

Hello All semi new here

Introduce Yourself

Welcome! We're all friends here. (-: And We're all so very pleased to have you with us.
12/14/10 05:52:24PM
74 posts

Four months of dreadlocks. Crochet Recovery

Dread Maintenance

Most of my dreads look like that! It's dreaded at the root, or somewhere along the dread, but no where else, and everything looks kinda stringy. I didn't crochet, and my hair is super fine and straight too, I'm also just about to hit four months. I've been feeling like they'll never dread in properly... But I think an important, and helpful thing is to look at other dreadheads' dreads, the majority DON'T look like our do now, so I'm thinking it'll be fine with time. (-:

12/14/10 05:45:26PM
74 posts

Dread thickness?

Dread Maintenance

Thanks for the encouragement everyone!

Ad SE thanks for the explanation, I like know just what is going on. It's cool that my hair will do all this on my own, but I like KNOWING "for reals" what is going on. You described it really well. (-:

12/14/10 05:01:25AM
74 posts

Dread thickness?

Dread Maintenance

@ Jack -- Yeah, I figured if they were too thick for my liking I would just split them, but like I said, I wanted thick ones. (-:

@ KnottySleeves -- I guess I hadn't thought of the hairs I would normally shed every day. haha I'm really glad they will thicken up, I'm enjoying the process, but you're right, having never done this before I'm not really sure what to expect. But I don't mind the wait. (-:

Thanks for the encouragement, both of you! I wasn't expecting a response for a while, it is pretty late here.

12/14/10 04:36:36AM
74 posts

Dread thickness?

Dread Maintenance

I know dreads are said to become as thick around as the roots are big, but I wanted to know if this is true of all hair types. I backcombed three and a half months ago and wanted larger dreads, so I made most of the root sections about an inch thick, some are a little bigger, some are much smaller (I also wanted a variety). I am thus far SO in love with my baby dreads, so simple, and easy, and loopy, and just wonderful!

I have always had thin hair, there is quite a lot of it, but it is QUITE thin and fine... With this type of hair will my dreads still thicken up? (I have about 23 of them) I'm not really looking for anything I can DO to them, I wouldn't want to even if there was something I could do, I'm just looking for some sort of reassurance.

updated by @rae: 01/13/15 08:51:33PM
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